Human Resource Management In Retail Store

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Human Resource Management in Retail Store

Question #1)

Human Resource Manager's Role

According to a human resource manager's point of view, the role of a Human Resource manager includes the following responsibilities, which include (Deloitte, 2009):

Hiring and retaining employees

The hiring process is as staffing. It includes, hiring the right people for the organization which can benefit the organization in the long run.

The hiring process is one of the key human resource management roles and is also one of the basics of an organization's success or failure. The success or failure of an organization majorly depends upon its workforce, thus, the hiring of employees for the workforce is a key part of the organization and is to be dealt with very carefully.

Retaining the hired employees is also a very difficult and utterly important task, which completely depends upon how serious the employee hired is towards his/her relationship with the organization and how serious is the organization is towards retaining the employee. Combined these two factors determine as to how long an organization can retain its employees, whether new or old.

Managing the changes in the workforce

Changes in workforce mean the turnover rate and the loss of employees in an organization, which in turn is through hiring or staffing, but in order to hire a Human Resource manager must know as to which department needs how many number of employees.

While the ultimate goal of managing the task force is to hire the right employees in the right number, there is also another task that is to this simple process, which is of ensuring that no more than the required personals are , which can result in the scarcity or mismanagement of resources (Times, 2013).

Dealing with the Changing Workforce Environment

As more and more companies are going global now, it is increasingly common for Human Resource managers to manage a highly diversified workforce, with not only the differences in the locals of that country; in which the company is operating in, but also the individuals that the company has brought with itself from its home country.

This creates a challenge for the Human Resource managers and a part of their role in the organization that to manage the changing trends of the workforce, which includes diversification in the workforce and issues related to it.

Training and Motivating employees

In order to keep the employees up to the competition of the industry, training on a continuous basis is to them. Also, included is ...
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