Human Resource Management In Global Aviation

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Human Resource Management in Global Aviation

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Human Resource Management in Global Aviation


The aviation field is highly sensitive, extremely competitive and high technology service industry. Peoples, customers and employees not machines and the products, must be in an arena for the core competencies in an organization. This inference is pervasive and vast that affects the whole structure of an organization, its strategy, its operational activities and its culture.

Human Resource Management, the management of people within an internal environment of the organization encompasses the policies, projects and practices that are involved in obtaining, developing, planning, evaluating, utilizing and maintaining along with retaining the accurate numbers and the skill mix of employees in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. In an aviation field, the psychological factors and the research of human factors are needed for the human resource practices (Blyton, 2001).

There are three categories for audit such as selection, recruitment, training and development, for achieving education and development of the organization. This will lead to the success factor of organization (Kamoche, 1996).


Two primary drivers on which the strategy of civil aviation field is based have been evolved since the deregulation of the airline industry of United States of America in the year 1978. The drivers are the global concern for the safety, and the other driver is the increasing expectations of consumers for excellence in the service and the comprehensive service choice. The poor service quality and accidents are mainly rooted in the socio technical human factors. The poor quality, the sub optimization with regard to the management, team work, motivation of employees, and the communication which is associated with the loss of the customers, loss of the assets of organization, loss of the market share and also the loss of life. The structure of corporate, the relationship with industries, product centered industrial, and the customer service centric environment were not appropriate in such safety sensitive circumstances.

The expertise of human resource management is needed for spreading the procedures of internal marketing for gaining the clients lock on. The approach of Human Resource Management mainly emphasis on the approach in a way that aligns with the policies, general activities, procedures and the policies along with the imperative possibility of an organization. Such relevant expertise of human resource management constitutes nothing less than the opportunity for power strategic management (Wiegmann, 2001).

Operation Activities of Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection

The aviation management is emphasizing a pilot potential in order to let him work well even in crew situations. According to the research that is used by the British Airways for the selection of pilots that suggested that the task for the present generation of the managers in the business airlines, that begins with the continuous grooming and the selection of professionals for the commercial pilots. Technical skills are different from interpersonal skills which gradually becoming the crucial factors for the performance and the safety of the pilot. For the pilot, the interpersonal skills and aptitudes are good forecaster for the ...
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