Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Task 1


By looking out the definitions of HRP from Dessler (1999), HRP can be defined as the systematic and continuous process to ensure that organization's human resource needs are fulfilled by ensuring that the right people with the correct skills are available when required. Shortly, HRP is essentially focused on matching the individual and the needs of the organization to gaining a competitive advantage in marketplace.

HRP is important because the HR plan affects all HR activities and acts as the strategic link between organizational and HRM objectives. It can reduce the human resources cost by helping management to anticipate and correct the shortages and surpluses of employees. An addition, HRP will provide a better basis for planning employee employment in order to make optimum use of workers' attitudes and to improve their job satisfaction. HRP provide more opportunities of working for women and minority groups in the labor market. Moreover, the HPR provide a tool for evaluating the effect of alternative human resource actions and policies (Bartram, 2005).

Nowadays business environment is multifaceted and complex, thus the changes in business environment will have a great impact on the HRP of the organization. By the definition of HRP, to be a success organization, the organization must achieve the business objectives through the effective utilization of human resources. Therefore, organizations need to forecast the internal and external supplying of human resources through the process of HRP. Usually, the present employees who can be promoted, transferred, demoted or developed will make up the internal supply. When the internal supply of employees cannot meet the demand, organization is needed to look up the external human resources from labor market. This show that labor market is an important factor in determining human resource strategy, therefore the changes of labor market will bring the effects to the HRP of organization (Price, 2005).

Recruitment Strategies in International Labor Market

The labor market is the geographical area from which employees are recruited for a particular job. Changes in the labor market create constraints i.e. societal trends and culture for employers finding applicants with the right levels of skills. The unemployment rate, education levels, occupation levels, and the mix of the age and sex will be the four key used to examine the measures of labor market. Those people who are not working and not looking for the job, for example households, retires, and students are considered as being "out of the labor forces" (Royal & O'Donnell, 2005). Therefore this kind of unemployed people will not be the factor of unemployment rate measurement. Usually, the unemployment rate will be high during the recession of economy because the companies fire many people out. Thus, the demand for the workers of organizations is reducing but the supply of workers from the labor market is increasing. Labor force is an uncontrollable factor by HR planner because they can't control the number of the workers in the labor market. But employment rate is a controllable factor because HR managers can use ...
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