Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Q1- Steps Involved in Setting up Employee Training Program

The following steps are involved in setting up an employee training program

Need Assessment

This is the first and foremost step involved in setting up a training program. It is of utmost importance that the training needs of employees are clearly and quickly identified. These needs can be either due to lack of proper skills (as is the case for most of the newly employed staff) or for further development of the employees and their skills (this is more like an investment in the employee for the future). Training needs, regardless of their nature (current or future), are always linked with the organizational goals and objectives. The needs assessment phase focuses on the training needs of employees (person, task and KSA analysis) that are in effect required by the organization in achieving its goals and objectives (organizational need can be discovered by organizational analysis).

Training Program Design

After a clear set of instructional objectives have been constructed from the previous step, a proper and structured training design should be worked upon. The development of training design will address the particulars regarding participants (who need to be trained), trainers (who will train), methods or techniques of training (on the job, case study, role play, outdoor training, etc), level of training (simply gaining knowledge, developing skills or at the highest level - to improve efficiency), learning principles (motivation, reinforcement, practice opportunities, transfer of learning, etc) and the location of training (where the training will be conducted - on site /off site).


After the training design is ready, it requires to be implemented. This is usually a hard phase in the employee training program; most managers find it hard to implement training design due to various problems. Sometimes it is difficult to locate appropriate trainers who are often not available. Adequate funding is also required to successfully implement the training design, apart from issues related to managing work schedule and conducting training.


Lastly the whole training program should be evaluated to make sure that the required results have been achieved. Evaluation helps in determining results and efficiency of the training program.

Q2- Advantages of Hiring Internally

Internal hiring takes place when an employee for the vacant position is from within the company itself rather than the labor market. There are numerous advantages to the organization for conducting internal hiring.


Internal hiring is easier than external hiring since most of the information about the individual (applicant) is already within the organization's database.

It is also faster and lower in costs in comparison to external hiring, which requires lots of costly processes (advertising, testing, interviewing, screening, etc)

The employee hired through internal hiring is already part of the organization and is well adjusted; he is familiar with the people, policies, working environment and objectives of the organization.

Internal hiring is seen promotion (by the employees) and this acts as a sign for all employees that career opportunities are present within the organization. This motivates the employee to work harder and increase their performance ...
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