Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Task 1 - Difference between Personal and Human Resource Management............................2

Difference between personnel management and human resource management2

Contribution of HRM to the organizational process3

The role and responsibilities of line managers in HRM3

The impact that employment legislation has had on the HRM function4

Task 2 - Understadn how to recruit employees5

The reasons why human resource planning5

Outline the HR process compares to the 'theory' of HR planning5

The effectiveness of the processes between two organzations7

Task 3 - Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them8

The link between motivational theory and reward8

The process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay8

The comparative effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts9

Task 4 - Know the mechanisms for cessation of employment11

The reasons for cessation of employment at Macdonalds11

Employment exit procedures of MacDonald's and ASDA11

The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements12


Human Resource Management

Task 1 - Difference between Personal and Human Resource Management

Difference between personnel management and human resource management

The human resource management and personal management are that human resource management contributes to the workforce and organizational success whereas personnel management deals with payroll and employees laws. The Human Resource management place more emphasis on strategic integration and fit. Human resource management focuses more on management culture they focus more on line managers and human resource policies. Human resource management develops team of employees and personnel management deals with improving personal management skills. Human resource management is proactive and personnel management are reactive. Human resource management develops a dynamic culture and personnel management deals with administrating people and employees. Human resource management plays a vital role as an integral part of an organization and personnel management is independent of an organization (Armstrong, pp.18-20).

The duties and responsibilities of a manager at MacDonald's are the customer is the main source of income at MacDonald's, and the manager fails when they dissatisfy the customers. Manger provides duties and responsibilities to their staff as to deal with customers. It caters budget level and also monitor hours of employees and payroll expenses. They conduct routine training and evaluations of an employee's the resolve the daily routines conflicts. Manager must maintain records of cash regarding all transactions and deposits. Manager looks overall function to guide the employees on daily routine basis (Duffey, pp.1).

Contribution of HRM to the organizational process

The organization process of McDonalds is that there is a General Manager in an organization. The restaurant manager reports the general manager. The restaurant manager has two assistants they are assistant manager and shift running manger. Now the assistant manger there is another assistant manager. Under the shift running manger, there is floor manager, staff training crew and crew members. There are full time staff members and part time staff member's exists at MacDonald's (Cunnigham, 2013, pp.7-9).

The human resource manager appoint employee in-house. The position is advertised in the newspaper or directly in the restaurant. The restaurant manager directly involves in the recruitment of the staff ...
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