Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management for Service Industries


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Word Count: 3568




2.1Role and purpose of human resource management in EC Travel2

2.2Human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand in EC Travel4

2.3Current state of employment relations in EC Travel6

2.4Effect of employment law on the work of human resource management in EC Travel8

2.5Job description and person specification in EC Travel10

2.6Comparison of the recruitment and selection process of different service industries businesses13

2.7Contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of EC Travel15

3.Conclusion and Recommendation18


Human Resource Management for Service Industries


Travel and tourism involves movement of human beings from one location to the other outside the boundaries of their own community. Travelers travel across various destinations for various purposes. These purposes can include vacations trips, holiday trips, medical trips, or any other special purpose trip to a destination. Travel and tourism industry takes care of such travelers by providing them with their requirements. Although machines have been invented to do sufficient amount of work for human beings, still the value of human resources holds its importance in all service industries. Therefore, human resource management holds its crucial importance in the travel and tourism industry. Human Resource Management is the administration of the human resources or workforce of the organization. It holds the responsibility to attract, select, train, assess and reward the workforce of the organization. In this report, EC Travel is chosen to analyze the functions of human resource management. EC Travel is one the major companies for travelers and destination management. It has an unrivalled reputation for reliability and innovation. The company got established in 1981. It is a small scale organization whose employees are dedicated to offer the customers with good travel experiences to UK. The company arranges all types of tours for travelers.


2.1Role and purpose of human resource management in EC Travel

According to World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), activities that are related to travel and tourism account for more than 230 million employment opportunities worldwide, or 8.7% of the total jobs across the world. Managers and organizations worldwide in the hospitality and tourism industry face uphill challenges in recruitment, development and maintenance of a competent, committed, well-motivated and well-managed workforce that is focused on providing a product of high quality to the increasingly discerning and demanding customers (Nickson, 2007, p. 2).

Human Resource Management (HRM) in the EC Travel manages people within the organization.

HRM in EC Travel basically deals with personnel function of hiring, providing training, and firing industry personnel due to the cyclical requirement of recruitment, selection and training of new personnel.

EC Travel is composed of several departments. Additionally, there is an enormous diversity in the kinds of jobs that are generated in this organization, in relation to their skills' and technical demand, terms and conditions, educational requirements and other such factors. Therefore within such an organization, which is characterized by heterogeneity and diversity in terms of the size, purpose, demands and ownership of the enterprise, the only actual point of homogeneity is providing service to consumers and ...
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