In recent years Human Resources are considered part of the other core functions of the company that was born and developed in specific historical contingencies, which are lost in antiquity, in the birth of the organizations that have used the human effort to achieve their goals (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2011).
Human Resources assume an autonomous function when the organs that develop linkages undergo hierarchical dependence on other functions and is established as an independent unit, therefore, the development of human resources coincides with the birth and consolidation of the function personnel. Organizations require human power to achieve their goals and are willing to take them in exchange for money, for their part, workers require funds to satisfy both biological and psychological needs and social, so they are willing to change the resources they have, for money.
Strategic Human Resource and Leadership
Leadership is an important issue for managers due to the key role that leaders play in team effectiveness and organization. Leaders are responsible for the success or failure of the organization. Leadership is not a simple task. On the contrary. Leadership requires patience, discipline, humility, respect and commitment, because the organization is a living being, endowed with more different types of employees. Lead, in a very clear, can be understood as the effective and efficient management of people in a team, in order to attain the objectives set by the organization (Pynes, 2008).
Human resource management is one of the operational activities of the organization shall be adjusted in accordance with the organization's strategic management approach. Modern enterprise is successful - in human resource management seriously. These organizations will develop a resource management system - man of the old system called personnel management as a concept that is only one factor of production, goods and services. This form of administration in this manner is a simple process such as hiring staff to work. I pay by the Organization.
Operational control of the organization's staff with strict rules is quite significant. All people who work have had to perform the next task. If any personnel with the performance are not satisfactory, then the job goes to the modern human resource management system called strategic human resource management with the concept. Human resource management as a valuable resource of the organization. Human resource management is. Human resource management needs to look ahead.