Human Enterprise

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[Name of the student]


Thesis Statement

This essay is in particular, a self-reflection and application of different theories learned in the course. Including an account reflecting on personal, and managerial effectiveness. It also development plan, to improve selected skills.


While the management is all about getting things done in effective and efficient manners through others. It takes a lot of work on self as well, before becoming competent enough to manage others. In simple words a manger needs to manage him or herself before, he or she learns to manage others. In a sense we all are mangers, however the importance of managing self and other increases in the organizational context. I groom myself in this aspect by following certain rules in life. These rules help me to not only manage myself but also others in an effective manner. I always stick to my rules. This develops a consistency in actions so that everyone else and I know the future direction always. The rules and principles help an individual to gain trust and competency in life. Career planning is not limited to self but also pertains to others as well. This essay summarizes these concepts in reflective manner.


I manage myself and others with rules in life. This doesn't let me wander around for solutions every time I have to make decisions. I just know that this is my rule, and I have to do this. Second strategy or rule in my life management is to speak. Our mouth is an excellent and most precise method of communication. Unless we use it, we are ineffective. A person should know when to speak and when to keep quite. It is said two things indicate weakness; one is speaking when it is time to keep quiet, and other is staying quite when it is time to speak. I always keep the promises I make. At first place I don't promise, if I do, I fulfil it. This helps me in managing my personal and professional relation. I considerate as a tool for managing self and others. I take responsibility with a full commitment. That means that I complete my work on time, pilling up work is not a way of managing, but rather, putting it for tomorrow. I always say that, take care of today, and tomorrow will care for it. However, this doesn't means in any sense that I thinks planning for the future is meaningless, but rather this means that do not think of future, do it now what can be done. Another rule and what I consider a tool to managing life is the trust. Trust is an outcome of repeated fulfilment of activities committed to others. Another tool I use in my life to manage self and others are to identify and eradicate the activities and habits which are bad or not beneficial. I believe that good habits accumulate to form ladder of success, and bad habits are termites which ultimately digest your success. In addition, I always try ...
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