Human Behavior Theories

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Human Behavior Theories

The theorist and several Central Concepts applied

According to the Cultural-Historical Foundations of the Zone of Proximal Development, leading activities and neoformations prove their importance as major indicators of the child development. Further, they also help in understanding proximal development zones at every age. According to this theory, developmental education has an important role in influencing the boundaries of proximal zone. The threat stimulation theory looks into the ideas and aggression concepts in dreams, as understood by the great philosophers like Freud, Meadow and others. The outstanding similarities among the various theoretical disciplines and the importance of the dream concept are examined. Application of the various theories pertaining to this are well illustrated through clinical examples. Piaget's theory accounts for its distinctiveness as it investigates the logical competence and explains a child's understanding of the importance and necessity of various class relationships and not only its correctness. He suggests that children at a certain age, which he classifies as a concrete age, children form an ability to identify and differentiates a series of objects, (Winer, 1980). His theory claims that a child must be able to inter relate the positive and observational properties of a subclass with the inferential negative properties. According to the theory and work of Bandura, the parents have a certain level of expectations from their children, when it comes to education. The level of expectations is related to their children's academic achievements.

Summarization of the applications in my personal life

A child is a product of his environment. The behavior of a child can be explained by what he learns at home, school or any other social gathering. Education is the key here. If children are educated to behave in a certain manner, that behavior will be a learned behavior. A child, growing up has so many desires and emotions. There are things that one wants to do or fantasies, however, it may not be possible to do all that during the day time. A child may see his deep wanted fantasies being fulfilled in the dreams. A child must understand the importance of the classes and the subgroups in the society. A child must be able to differentiate between the positives and the negatives of a subgroup or class, for that matter.

Application of multiple central concepts of the theory for solving a public problem

Now these theories with their rich concepts can be used for solving ...
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