Hrm Practices

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HRM Practices

HRM Practices


The human resource management has as one of its tasks provide human capabilities required by an Mcdonalds and develop skills and aptitudes of the individual to be as satisfying himself and the community in which it operates. Do not forget that organizations depend for their functioning and evolution, primarily the human element that counts. It can be said without exaggeration that an Mcdonalds is the portrait of its members.

Many companies have adopted the term human resource management to reflect their recognition that workers are of strategic importance. What exactly do HR departments? All personnel involved in human resource planning, recruitment and selection of employees, training and development of employees and evaluating employee performance. The staff also monitors changes in employee status (promotion, reassignment) and manages the pay and fringe benefits of employees. The first step is to plan. Planning is a critical stage. A miscalculation can leave a company without enough workers to maintain production at the level of demand, with the result that the business is lost when customers go elsewhere.

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource planning is studying and predicting the talent requirement of an organization. It is done to ensure that the right amounts of employees are hired to carry out the operations of the company (Narahari & Murthy, 2009, pp.33-45). It helps create a brand for the employer and retain the employees in the organization. It also includes talent and recruitment and selection strategy. Vacancies in organizations arise when the company expands its operations, people resign or retire and when there is a change in process. The use of a workforce planning table helps to establish demand for employees. Quarterly reviews are done in the year to determine staff need and recruit when needed. Organizations prefer internal hiring as it keeps employees motivated, this practice is known as 'talent planning'. An important factor for this is done through identifying the job description, and person specification. The person specification includes the skills, personality and traits of a person required for the job (Duane, 2001).

Planning for future needs, deciding how many people and how the Mcdonalds will need skills,

2. Make plans for a future balance, comparing the number of employees needed with the number of employees present that will surely stay in the organization, which leads to

3. Make plans to recruit or dismiss employees and

4. Make plans to train employees, to ensure that the Mcdonalds has a steady supply of skilled and capable.


Develop a group of candidates for employment in accordance with the human resources plan. The purpose of recruitment is to form a candidate pool large enough for managers to choose qualified employees they need.

Before recruiting employees, recruiters must have a clear ideas, activities and responsibilities of the position that is unoccupied. Therefore, the analysis of the work is one of the first steps of the recruitment process. After analyzing a specific job, the definition, in writing of its location and its contents.

Description of work: Written description of a non-administrative work covering the appointment, duties ...
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