Hrm At Wall-Mart

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HRM at Wall-Mart

HRM at Wall-Mart


Although Wal-Mart took many steps in catering to a highly motivated workforce with a well balanced environment, despite all this, there remain many areas that needs improvement to make this organization even a better and conducive place. With the surge of bad press and publicity, Wal-Mart still seems to hold an upper edge on the cost effective pricing and no one have seem to fine a way to come up with this type of Low pricing strategy, by doing so they have created a huge loyal customer base (Rathke, 2005). But this does not mean that they can continue to keep up with the current behavior that is troubling its employees. Following are the suitable recommendations that the senior top management should consider.


Recruitment and Selection

From the analysis done, it has been observed that males are the key players holding the main responsibility of hiring and firing. Keeping this in mind, it is very necessary to change their viewpoints regarding the women in the organization. It is essential that the top management realizes the changes women can bring into the organization in terms of benefits and knowledge. Wal-Mart also faces serious allegations over women discrimination over not being given equal opportunity for being hired on top positions.

Recommended HR Strategy Improvements to Senior Management

It is recommended to the senior management that it should seriously look in to and implement it's strategies to promote and hire high percentage of females on managerial and administrative positions. It should also be ensured that all the job adverts for the top positions are easily accessible by the entire workforce with no conditions like non flexible hours, which results in women being reluctant to apply. These steps will help Wal-Mart to improve its image in terms of providing equal opportunities for both males and females.

Training and Development

Wal-Mart should employ those HR practices that promote employee behavior which is in line with the firm's strategy in order to achieve success (Delery, John E; Doty, D Harold, 1996). So they provided trainings to adjust the performances according to the requirements of the firm's strategy, i.e. to lower down the cost.

Recommended HR Strategy Improvements to Senior Management

Wal-Mart should not only restrict the trainings to lowering of costs, it should conduct different courses like rotation and promotion training in order to achieve economies of scale and also trainings should be provided to develop different skills and competencies and prepare them for managerial roles (Nile & Jeffrey, 2004).

Compensation and Benefits

Wal-Mart usually pays lower against the amount of work being done by the employees. Thus the employees have to endure to the strategy implementation i.e. lowering the costs for the consumers (Miller, G. 2004). They are taking various steps to cater to this problem by enhancing their IT systems to ensure that the employees get the accurate wage against the hours they put in and also to ensure that it is dispersed on time.

Recommended HR Strategy Improvements to Senior Management

However, the organization should treat its ...
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