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Olympics Staff Recruitment

Olympics Staff Recruitment


Human Resource is one of the most important elements of an organization. All the processes, systems, methodologies and operations take place because of the employees. It is the employees that 'make it happen'. If the employees are not properly motivated and do not work efficiently then the organization cannot work properly. In this paper, we discuss two theories of motivation that are the most crucial towards human resource management.

One of the most important theories of Human Resource Management, the theory known as 'Theory X and Theory Y' was proposed by the famous human resource theorist, Douglas McGregor (Heathfield, 2013). He was an American psychologist who has greatly contributed in the field of human resources and management. Theory X and Theory Y are two famous theories created and developed by Douglas McGregor (1906 - 1964) at the MIT Sloan School of Management that explain how behavioural expectations developed individually, can influence the behaviour of the community of individuals (Huitt, 2004).

Maslow defined a very well thought model of needs. It achieved a lot of fame in its initial days. The needs that Maslow has identified in his model are also very relevant. We now discuss the needs that Maslow has included in his model; physiological requirements, safety requirements, belonging requirements, self-esteem requirements, and self-actualization requirements (Maslow, Frager, & Fadiman, 1970).


How HR theory is applied in sports?

HR theory might be connected in sports in various routes as it gives the administration and performance relations in the association to accomplish adequacy as high as could reasonably be expected. The authority aptitude of a chief has hugeness in affecting individuals and their effects in sport associations. The adequacy in the sport associations has been conceivable because of specific general selections in what concerns the change of innovative, specialized and efficient bases of sport. The precise base change of the up to date sport has been made additionally through human asset administration - as a connected science in sport.

HR theory is material to all sports. By actualizing the theory, the HR administration gives a composed cooperation that prompt better brings about sports occasions and rivalries. Overseeing individuals in sports gives preparation and coordination of people or gathering of people to a change in profound solace and physical fitness by giving a composed structure of sports preparing.

In sports, HR theory is connected as a method for commitment in discovering effectiveness; empower and inspire people with specific abilities for the sport through the determination transform by remunerating and empowering those that always exceed and accomplish unrivalled performance. What's more, it likewise helps the administration in sport for ideal estimating and physical action of the people included in this method, guaranteeing the recruitment, enlisting and supporting people dependent upon expert competency, making amicability and an amicable environment with a specific end goal to attain positive conditions giving an impressive effect on adequacy in sport.

3 key issues faced by HR managers in sports field

This paper will include a brief explanation of two issues faced ...
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