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Human Resource Management


The technologist in Human Resource Management develops and manages plans career in business, examines institutional strategies, formulate tactical plans and operational recruitment, selection, evaluation and training of personnel. It's your job to manage the potential of organizational processes and manage people in order to integrate the parts of the company (Brady, 1994 pp. 52). It is up to the professional evaluation of the need for new employees to ensure the viability of the company's production process, as well as performing its function is the management of staff. For this, the HR manager needs to master the techniques of managing people.

The moral and sexual violence in the workplace is not a new phenomenon. The laws dealing with the subject helped to mitigate the existence of the problem, but not solved it. There is a need for awareness of the victim and the aggressor, as well as identifying the actions and attitudes in order to be adopted postures that recover the respect and dignity, creating a rewarding work environment and conducive to generating productivity.


A concept of sexual violence is “violence that involves sex not consenters and can be practiced either by acquaintance or family or a stranger.” In this work we tackle the subject by saying their types and penalties, how to report and proceed after the violence and also talk about some false myths. It can be said that sexual violence is a gender issue, because it gives the roles of men and women by social and cultural reason that man is the dominator. This is a universal problem in men is a matter of power and control and that affects women of all types and places.

A national campaign is designed in Australia to clarify, prevent and combat these practices experienced by many workers, regardless of company size (Bursik, 2011 pp.331). Harassment can be identified when there is exposure of workers to conditions humiliating and embarrassing, so repetitive or systematic. The situation can also be terminated when there is improper conduct with gesture, word, attitude and behavior which undermines the dignity or psychological or physical integrity of a person. Already sexual harassment is even more embarrassing and violent, seeking sexual favors as a worker, as a form of blackmail.

This attitude can be clear or subtle, can be spoken or only hinted at, can be explained in writing or gestures; may come in the form of duress, when someone promises promotion for the woman, since she give in, or even in the form of blackmail, when there is a threat as a weapon (Curran, 2004 pp.293). In other words, sexual harassment is the act of “embarrass someone with the purpose of obtaining sexual advantage or favor, whichever is the agent of their status as superior or ancestry inherent in the exercise of employment, position or function.”

Sexual harassment is any attempt by the superior (boss), or who hold hierarchical power over the subordinate, sexual favors to get him through objectionable and undesirable conduct, using the power it ...
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