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Challenging Responsibilities in HRM

Challenging Responsibilities in HRM


Human resource management is a function of an organization for obtaining and coordinating the people in an organization, so that they achieve the set goals. This is very important to take care of human relationships. This process requires an objective consistent with company policies where this department must maintain the most valuable asset of any organization, which is the people/human resource. Responsibilities of HRM are very challenging as it has to recruit and select best suitable person for the job which is right for the available job. But due to economic downturn and slow growth of the businesses, employment opportunities are very few and there much more unemployed people/graduates waiting for the job. In this case companies offer training and internships in which they offer nothing or a little stipend.

In an organization, HRM involves recruitment and selection of people, designing and developing people related things and most significantly, the effective use and compensation of their work/services for optimizing profitability of business through increasing and enhancing their performance (Bowin & Harvey, 2001). Today, HRM works together with all the staff from the bottom of the organization to the top management level of each of the different departments. That's why HR Manager maintains interdepartmental relationships with all employees in a way that maintains effective communication and exclusively deal with employees at all levels of the organization. Human resource strategy includes the central philosophy of the management of people in organizations and its impact on human resources policies and practices. It is very important for of the company is to make the proper policy and practice aligned and integrated with the organizational goals and objectives, and also consistent with the overall strategy of the organization.

Today, due to economic downturn and lack of employment opportunities, a record number of young people are working in insecure jobs with no guarantee of regular hours or regular pay. Figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show the number of 16 to 24-year-olds on so-called zero hours contracts has more than doubled since the start of the economic downturn (Annex, Annex, & Annex, 2003). Keeping this in mind, this paper critically discusses and answers the question, “Is this a new way of keeping young people in work that might otherwise be unemployed or simply exploitation?”

Literature Review

Job Security

Job insecurity refers to the concept of the situation in which a person is working in an organization either for the full time job or on the part time job, but the job for that person is not secure, this means that person could be removed from the job any time according to the wish of the employer, and this is not necessary that the employer may give the reason for removing the person from the job. The insecure jobs may include the factor of removing the person from the job without event telling the reason. There are several negative views of the job insecurity in which the researches claim that the ...
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