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Literature Review: HR Management

Literature Review: HR Management


Managing staff of the organization is recognized as the main task of management. This is due to the changing role and nature of personnel management in the transition to an information society. In this chapter we shall try to address the management of human resources in business organizations in the belief that the main asset of the business organizations is its staff.

The human resource management is considered by the writers (Bechet, 2008, 32), as essential plot models of strategic management of firms. Human resources have to do with the people who are part of the company and its management can be seen as an investment to achieve the goals or expected results in the organization. The activities can be grouped characterize this management taking into account the objectives pursued, in six major functions:

Planning, recruitment and selection of human resources.

Human resources development.

Compensation and benefits.

Safety and hygiene.

Employee relations and labour relations.

HR Research.

From these functions, we are interested especially the second: the development of human resources. However, this function is closely related to the other function of the organizations.

First, all decisions and actions taken in relation to human resources, by definition, are closely related to the strategy of the organization. That strategy is the starting point and framework within which conduct all activities will be the objectives and business plans that indicate the direction in which human resources are managed. From there, management will rely on two pillars: the jobs and people. Second, the management of any of the functions associated with human resources comes in three basic phases: planning, implementation and evaluation. The human resource development is therefore one of the functions resulting from the management of these resources. In essence, it involves designing and implementing development programs for the management and organization, orient and train employees, designs professional development plans or plan and implement performance evaluation systems or the potential of workers.

In order to perform these functions, the human resource management relies on a number of tools. Among them are:

The description, analysis and ratings of jobs.

The performance evaluation

The job-person job

Mapping and career plans and succession plans


Personnel selection

In modern world, human resource management has become increasingly important for the successful management of the entire company and at the same time it is more complex.

HR Department

The Human Resources Department can be considered as primary maker of human resources management therefore, it is responsible for the managing people functions. In some companies, especially those with a small staff, it may be the managers of the various areas those in charge of developing the functions presented here so integral and ward of the Human Resources Department. HR department's place in business today stands near the area of the top management of any organization or company and, therefore, having to decide what is the best corporate strategic plan and to what extent human resources can contribute to its development.

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