Hr Practices

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Understanding Various HR Practices

Task 33

P (9) Early Motivation Theories3

1)Abraham Maslow Theory of Motivation3

2)Hertzberg's Two Factor Theory4

3)Vroom's Expectancy Theory4

P (10) Process for Job Evaluation and Other Factors Determining the pay5

Job Evaluation System5

P (11) Reward systems5

P (12) Performance Management System5

Task 46

P (12) Employees Cessation and its reasons6

P (13) Employment Exist Procedures7

P (14) Legal Framework or Legal Requirement on Employee Cessation8



Task 3

P (9) Early Motivation Theories

Employee motivations are critical for every organization as employees play an important role in the success of the organization. Companies thrive on the extra efforts exerted by motivated employees and it's the motivation which compels the employees to overcome unforeseen challenges faced by the organization. The top management has to establish procedures and policies which motivate people and provide an environment where they can foster. In this segment of the assignment we will be exploring the works of Abraham Maslow, Hertzberg Two Factor theory and Vroom's Expectance Theory

Abraham Maslow Theory of Motivation


Abraham Maslow proposed a motivational theory which is called as Maslow's hierarchy of needs in 1943. He extended his theory to focus more on human curiosity. He was psychology professor at Brooklyn College, besides teaching at Columbia University. He advocated the need for targeting of positive qualities of the people and was against the sole focus on evaluating human behavior and actions as symptoms leading to unfavorable outcomes. His theory was completely illustrated and explained in his book “Motivation and Personality”, published in 1954.


This theory included the work on other psychological theories of human development, which include the theories focused on explaining the phenomena of human growth. He studied the famous personalities like Frederick Douglass, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Addams and Albert Einstein instead of focusing his research on non achievers or sick people. He also included the healthiest 1% population of students in his sample group.


Figure 1: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, (retrieved from

Hertzberg's Two Factor Theory


Frederick Hertzberg developed his theory over a course of time and the first statement which became the bases of the theory came out in 1959. His formal publication in 1968, “One more time, How Do you Motivate Employees?” became a most sought after item in 1987.


Hertzberg proposed that the factors which cause motivation are different from the factors which cause dissatisfaction. He advocated that there are two factors which effect motivation, motivation factors and hygiene factors. Motivation factors are factors which motivate people to achieve more while the hygiene factors, if not present, will cause dissatisfaction.


The model presented by Hertzberg is as follows:

Motivator Factors

Hygiene Factors




Work itself




Employee relationship with employer and supervisor.

Rules and regulation of company.

Pay and benefits.

Vroom's Expectancy Theory


Victor Vroom proposed the expectancy theory in 1964. Victors Vroom defined motivation as the process which involves making choices from the alternatives of deliberate activities (Savolainen, 2012). His research showed that people carryout certain activities which can provide expected results, which can give access to the required rewards.


His primary research tries to explain why the individuals make choices to pursue certain courses of activities in organization, ...
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