Hr Planning

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Planning the HR

Table of Contents


The Issues3

Question 13

Addressing the Problem3

Theoritcal Framwork to Address the Issues4

Resource Based Theory4

Change Management Theory5

Principles of Resource Forecasting6

Expectancy theory of Employee Motivation7

Proposing the Solution8

Forecasting by the Delphi Method8

The Guidelines8

Determining How Many Employees to Keep9

Which Employees to Keep?10

Question 211

Frequently Improvising the Curriculum11

Employee Training11

Ensuring up to date Curriculum12

Question 314

Reasons for Unfair Treatment14

Avoiding Unfair Treatment15

What should not be done by decoupling?15

Question 417

Learning the Overseas Culture17

Teachers as Cultural Brokers18



Planning the HR


Human Resource planning includes maximizing the use of human resources and the continuing development. The first step is to consider the future of the organization: what will happen there in two years? In five years? The next step is to develop a plan of development of the workforce that will include the necessary actions to be undertaken to achieve the long-term growth. The activity of strategic thinking can take stock of the current situation. This assessment is performed by analyzing the external environment. The operation is to identify the elements that influence the development of the organization and to diagnose the internal environment (see table). The organization can then identify its strengths, its competitive advantages and aspects it needs to improve (Bandt, Haines, 2002, 25-36).

Such a strategic reflection should usually be conducted annually. Multiple instances of the company must participate. It can be orchestrated by an external consultant whose mandate will be to lead the discussion and act as a facilitator, which will allow managers to focus on business objectives. In the scenario presented, the likely issues needed to be addressed is how to implement the planning function of HR. planning becomes imperative for the college as the new colleges are coming up with improved courses and the IT education is ever changing that needs course improvisation. It will be important to the human resource need, the enrollment of efficient tutors and a preplanned strategy of how to keep updating the courses (Bandt, Haines, 2002, 25-36).

The skill set necessary for the academic leaders of the twenty-first century is much different. In addition to skills related to curriculum development and assessment, teaching and learning, personnel management, and student concerns, and strategic planning and budgeting, added skills are required in the areas of employee management, compensation, staff planning, course selection and improvements. There are various human resource theories that apply well to the academic management and practice. Besides, the concept of human resource staffing and planning are discusses with a focus on the college human resource need for the implementation of new IT courses.

The Issues

The present scenario requires a careful human resource planning to address the following issues.

Staff planning- determining the number of employees needed for the new IT and business courses among the existing staff. It will call for reducing the employees and decision on retaining the most competent ones.

How to ensure that the teaching of IT is updated and courses improvised accordingly?

How to ensure that the employees are treated fairly and what should be the criteria of fair treatment?

How can the overseas teachers be integrated into college work ...
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