Hr Management Strategy Plan

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HR Management Strategy Plan: Baderman Island

HR Management Strategy Plan: Baderman Island


Baderman Island considers health and safety of its employee and guest extremely important. In order to do so, Baderman Island must improve the health and safety of the island by focusing on continuous risk assessment and management program. Below chart highlights project goals, procedures and policies, and employee training that need to be improve to ensure employees acknowledge health and safety precautions and rules.

Risk Assessment and Management Program

Timelines for Assessment of Risk

Goals of Project

Related Objectives


Date of Completion


Create zero accident

Regulations and rules

Provide training to employees on rules and regulations. Call guest speakers to give tips regarding health and safety at the workplace.


HR Trainer Coordinator and Safety Manager

Zero Accidents

Instructions and procedures

Provide training to employee on the significance of instructions and procedures


Supervisors, HR Trainer Coordinator and Safety Manager

Meeting standards OSHA

Accurate documentation

Give training to employees on proper documentation, with manuals inspection on a monthly basis to ensure avoid non-conformities.


Integrated Systems Manager


Card of food handlers

Confirm the kitchen employees has current license.


Food and Beverage Manager


Safety, hygiene and neatness

Offer training to employees on housekeeping and perform an inspection on a daily basis.


Supervisors and Managers

Zero Court cases

Laws and regulations

Provide training to employees (staff to manager) on how to take decisions, deal with guest and develop leadership skills.


HR department

Ongoing improvement

Performance consulting

See performance consultant monthly to assess areas of advancement and improvements.


Third party

Improve relations

Trust building

Manager interacts with all departments on monthly basis to keep workforce motivated and to improve communication.

Monthly/ weekly

Supervisor and Managers

Focus Points

Baderman Island focus is on health and safety program to ensure workplace safety. The aim of Baderman Island is to formulate a program that deals with all issues effectively and measure improvement over next five years. The program outlines the prerequisites for an excellent health and safety management system.

Management Strategies

Management strategies include four basic constituents:

Employee Involvement and Management Leadership - To effectively implement any program necessitates employee involvement that is only possible with good management leadership and effective communication (Prideaux, 2012, pp.12-280). Thus, Baderman Island before implementation of health and safety program tries to gain employee commitment by means of effective communication of program goals and need. Here, Baderman Island can also highlight benefits this program will bring for employee and to work practices.

Analysis of Worksite - This include a range of worksite assessment to ...
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