Hr Assessment

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Issues Faced by HR Managers

Issues Faced by HR Managers


Recruitment and selection is the initial process towards the future growth. The basic idea behind the process of recruitment and selection is that it is the initial process to attract potential and competent employees for the job.

Recruiting and section activities play an integral role because employees are the capital assets of the organization which adds value to the human resource inventory. Companies are now paying more and more attention towards adopting the best practices of recruitment and selection because this is the era of dynamism and recruitment and selection activities became strategically important.

Right Man Hired For The Right Job At The Right Time

Employees Recruitment and selection is a way forward to manage the future needs of human resource. These human resource needs are determined in accordance with the future vision of the company. Recruitment and selection are two different processes followed by one another.


Recruitment is the initial process through which organizations find employees. It is a process of locating, identifying and attracting the best fit for the organization. Keeping in view the recruitment needs and job analysis, organizations starts the process of recruitment. The process of recruitment becomes increasingly important for the organizations. (Caligiuri and Bonache, 2010, pp. 112)

Internal Recruitment

The internal recruitment is to fill the vacancy by relocating employees as follows:


Transferred with promotion


External Recruitment

External source consists of the supply of foreign labour which consists of:

Candidates spontaneous are those that occur in a company to leave your resume or send to PO Box or email your “resume".

Recommendations of the employees of the company. Sometimes, employees of a company can recommend people for vacancies that arise which is considered advantageous, since in highly specialized positions know could fill colleagues is also very likely to perform better recommended matching who recommended it.

Graduates and unemployed.


After recruitment activity has developed profiles of potential applicants. Selection of the best fit is the next step. It is the process of decision making in which ensures the right candidate is hired for the right job.

The basic ingredients of a selection process are Application forms, written tests and interviews. Several organizations have developed systems of internal selection, through which you can equate human capital with potential promotion on the one hand, and the vacancies available, on the other. (Jackson and Schuler, 1995, pp.237-64)

Key Issues In Recruitment And Selection

There are a number of issues on the process of recruitment and selection some of them are as follows

Managing multicultural issues

Right man for the right position

Un-biased process of screening

Analyzing the skills set for the future needs


Internal recruitment

Competition between the head hunting companies

Maintaining the old recruiting practices

Ethical dilemmas faced by Managers

Needs individual attention in the process of screening

Analysis Of The Key Issues

Managing multicultural issues

Globalization in the environment gives rise to cultural diversity at workplace. The core function of the human resource department is to bind all the employees regardless of the race, caste, colour and creed. How can HR manager deal with issue of multicultural hiring? (Blunt, ...
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