How Stable Is American Unipolarity?

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How stable is American Unipolarity?

How stable is American Unipolarity?


The current crisis of the international security system is reflected in the two worldviews that Americans and Europeans have. The transatlantic relationship can be divided into three stages: Cold War, post-Cold War and post 11 September. These two world views are not limited to a political issue but basic principles. The discrepancy, which generates the divorce between the U.S. and Europe as to what role should the international law and the international institutions and what gives legitimacy to the action International? , And what the international military action, in particular? The problem presented is that this division could weaken both within the community Western, keep in mind that the question is not of the institutions but policies of each of the legitimacy of their strategic visions and ideological world order.


Today the system is redefining World 2010 is as follows (

1.Supreme level as no longer absolute supremacy U.S.

2.Elevated level determination. There are European Union and Japan, China and Russia.

3.Resistance level. There are India, South Africa, Brazil that allows a capacity limit interference of globalization on its own territory. Recalling that the resistance level means limited internal self and external self.

4.Level of dependence of the the rest of the countries

These are the geopolitical trend in 2010, as this model system defined world in a few years we will see more, the big question is that current holders of global military hegemony does not try to impose their planetary control model based on the argument military because it would be really on the verge of extinction of humanity in a nuclear holocaust.

During the Cold War, the foundation of U.S. legitimacy was sustained on his defense of the free world against international communism. The Security Council was paralyzed, and that the Cold War gave him a ...
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