Neo-Liberal Policies And Social Movements

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Neo-Liberal Policies and Social Movements

The last part of the 20th century has witnessed massive socio-economic changes in the form of disintegration of Soviet Union, and the emergence of United States as the only super power in the arena of global politics. The Unipolarity, aided by military superiority, and the cultural hegemony of American state provided them an opportunity to promote their neo-liberal economic policies at a global level, and persuade the rest of the world to perceive it as the only option left for their national growth and economic survival (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49).

Majority of governments around the globe are leaving behind the Marxist based centralized mode of governance, and instead incorporating neo-liberal ideas in their national socio-economic policies. One way to understand the magnitude of such change is by studying the urban polices of these countries, which have been completely restructured in order to facilitate the incorporation of neo liberal polices at home while anticipating an increase in economic growth and national prosperity (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49).

Local authorities (in most of the western countries) with or without the help from private sectors are engaged in the serious planning and development of large scale urban planning projects. These projects include the construction of museums, business exhibition centers/halls, waterfronts, industrial parks, and the staging of international events to encourage and strengthen its domestic businesses and attract foreign investments from both the developing and developed countries (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49).

The objective for the national government and the local authorities has become to establish and reinforce the comparative position of their metropolitan economies in the context of fast changing local, regional and global conditions. In some cases, these mega projects have the approval of majority of the constituency (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49). However, in some cases, the local government may choose to take exceptional measures such as the freezing of conventional planning tools, finding a way round of legal regulations and institutional bodies. In addition, they create a project based agencies, and assign them special powers for interference and decision making, which provide them an ability to influence regional and national policies regarding urbanization. Some time, depending on their interest, a national government takes the driving seat and set aside both local authorities and the residents of a given metropolitan area (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49).

Globalization of the modern day metropolitan City

In contemporary society, metropolitan cities are considered as progressive social spaces for creativity, and focal points for constructive imagination and innovation. However, they are also known for their pervasive and perverse processes, of social alienation and marginalization and are filled with all kinds of quarrels, struggles and despair in between greater prosperity, abundance, and gratifications. The last few decades have witnessed turbulent and confused restructuring of urban socio-economic landscape that has rampage through the metropolis (Swyngedouw, 2002, pp 543-49).

Many of the metropolitan communities have experienced consistent decline in the social incomes and increase in inflation and unemployment. For instance, the restructuring of former soviet states in Europe on the basis of neo-liberal economic ...
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