How Organized Is Organized Crime

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Organized Crime

How Organized Is Organized Crime

Organized Crime": The Development of a Definition and a Typology” Crime and Delinquency

One of the challenges and global problems of our time is reasonably considered organized crime (including transnational crime), today. Posing the increasing and most serious threat to the political stability and economic security as well as to the social security of the countries, it is the operation of the organized crime groups with wide variety of unlawful economic activities, and particularly unlawful activities. This growing threat requires combat laundering of criminal proceeds; deter new and traditional types of criminal offences and undertaking vigorous joint efforts to eliminate criminal networks. In this context, all developed countries pay exceptional attention to deterring activities of criminal groups, to improvement of their national legislation and to combating organized crime (Lyman, 2000).

Organized crime is carried out by some form of criminal group who commit crimes in order to make profit. Since the purpose is primarily to make money is certain crimes more abandoned than others. Organised crime operates in a market, because it is often focused on receiving and smuggling of various coveted goods, such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. It is also common that prostitution is run by organized crime, which leads to crimes such as procuring and trafficking, ie trafficking. Organised crime is a criminal business, crimes committed systematically and to gain. Organized crime may be defined as a group of people who work together to help each other out in criminal activities (Finkle, 2010).

Such organizations have thrived during the prohibition era and have become a part of the Western society. Moreover, the urbanization of major cities has provided the environment in, which organized crime could thrive. The considerable population within the major cities has yielded a dangerous mass of criminals, customers, and thus, victims and so the facilitation of the development of profitable markets in prohibited goods and services.

The crime has become increasingly organized, besides equips with modern weaponry, and has unfortunately shown efficiency because the government has failed to curb the actions of criminal groups as PCC (First Command of the Capital) causing panic to the population. Organized crime is held mainly by drug trafficking activities that are illegal, kidnappings and robberies at banks and other criminal actions (LeFrancois, 2011).

A criminal organization is respected and feared by level of firepower, i.e., the degree of violence. Some of the money is used for maintenance of the crime, pay tuition, buy sentence, as elsewhere, regarded as profit is invested in lawful activity (legal) such as restaurants, hotels, farms, etc. speculative market., This transformation of illegal money from the crime in lawful money is called "money laundering". The growth of organized crime is not only due to involvement with drug trafficking, but mostly because of social issues and omission of the state.

With so many young people who live in these neighbourhoods have no study, no qualifications and no perspective, and finds in trafficking the only way to remove your livelihood and your ...
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