Housing System

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Comparison of Housing System in the UK and Netherland

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Table of Contents



Esping-Andersen Theory2

Kemeny Theory4

Comparison of UK Housing System with Netherland Housing System5

Housing Pressures in the UK and Netherland9

Application of theories in the UK and Netherland Housing System\11



Comparison of Housing System in the UK and Netherland


The welfare state theory given by Esping-Andersen's has captivated substantial consideration in the global comparative research for housing. Many researchers have dispute regarding the housing location in the welfare state and inside the framework of Esping-Andersen's specifically (Boelhouwer & Hoekstra, 2012, p. 364). There has been a lack of experiential application for the theoretical framework of Esping-Andersen within the research of housing and this is because of the probable results pulled out from this outline on one area, and on the attributes of housing on the other area. It has been observed that housing is not considered in the theory of Esping-Andersen and welfare state typology and as a result, there are many people who have been not able to understand this system (Hoekstra, 2010, p. 46). Furthermore, the housing position within the welfare state is distant from becoming noticeable and motivated a superior contract of argument among the researchers. This is the reason that other authors such as Kemeny focused on the embarrassment among the housing system and the state of welfare, whereas the further researchers mainly pressurized the private market features in housing system (Boelhouwer & Hoekstra, 2012, p. 365). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate theories given by Esping-Anderson and Kemeny by making comparison of housing systems of two European countries that UK and Netherland. Moreover, the application of both these theories in the UK and Netherland housing systems will also be evaluated in order to make better understanding of the housing systems and these theories.


Esping-Andersen Theory

The theory of Esping-Andersen stated that people should not talk about the welfare of the state because there are different welfare states having diverse features. The author Esping-Andersen disagrees that the welfare states can be concentrated to three different superlative and distinctive welfare state regimes that are different from each other fundamentally (Boelhouwer & Hoekstra, 2012, p. 364). It is because of this statement of Esping-Andersen that the types of welfare states have become common and many researches were conducted due to Esping-Anderson's research.

While explaining the theory of welfare state regimes, Esping-Andersen tries to explain the different types of welfare regimes that were present at the time of his research. In this regard, it is interesting to note that three factors were of specifically important in which the first factor is linked with the manner in which the lower class mobilization occurs, second factor is related to the strategic alliance made with the political groups and the last factor is the recognize back of the security and development.(Boelhouwer & Hoekstra, 2012, p. 364).

Since the welfare state outcome is re-distributive, the differences in the income level are relatively low. The states that have been able to apply corporatist welfare ...
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