Hotel Project Management

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Hotel Project Management

Hotel Project Management

Entering project details into MS project and analysing results.

The first task was to enter the tasks durations and predecessors as below. the calendar was not changed and was as per standard. It was ensured that Auto schedule is turned on before incorporating the given data along with its requirements. As mentioned in the requirements, it was ensured that the indentations were correct and in accordance with the provided case. it can also be observed that with Wine Testing Event collapsed, we can only see this one line and the total duration of the project (as shown in figure 3). it was also ensured that the previously set values were deleted and new values were incorporated in accordance with the requirements of the problems presented in the case. Another important factor which was considered before incorporating values was that of a constraint which was set, according to which the main Wine testing event could not start before 27th July 2012.

Figure 1

The figure below depicts the main task and the sub task of the project. these values will enable us to form the basis of our project structure and design a Gantt chart. It can be seen that the main event; Wine tasting event, has the following two tasks, which can be categorized as prior to day and on the events task. These main tasks are then divided into further sub tasks, which have their own predecessors and durations. The durations, which are presented in hours, form a single day when they sum up to the value of 24. The predecessors actually represent the dependency of a sub task on either another sub task or the main task. The numbers in the predecessors column represent the assigned task number which is associated with every task and sub task.

Task Name



Wine Tasting Event



Prior to day



Arrange Date

4 hrs


Book Room

4 hrs


Agree Numbers

2 hrs


Decide on marking system

3 hrs


Send invites

4 hrs


Order Food

5 hrs


Order Wine and ice buckets, spit buckets, water pitchers

5 hrs


Allocate table / chair numbers

2 hrs


On event day Take delivery of food

1 hr


Take delivery of wine

1 hr


Set up tables /chairs

2 hrs


Arrange wine etc ready for tasting

2 hrs


Arrange ice buckets, spit buckets, water pitchers

1 hr


Display score cards

1 hr


Serve food

2 hrs


Serve wine

3 hrs


Collect score cards

1 hr


Pack & remove food

1 hr


Pack & remove wine

1 hr


Clear & fold tables

1 hr


Stack chairs

1 hr


Event finished

0 days


(Figure 1

Figure 2

The figure below shows the minimized version of the table which will represent the same values, as of figure 1, if collapsed. This type of figure is usually used in order to get the general overview of the project along with its start and end dates, where this period includes the entire tenure of the project. It gives the manager of the project the overall outlook of the project. The solved version of the Figure 2 below indicates that it will take duration of ...
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