Hospitality Service Excellence

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Hospitality service Excellence

Hospitality service Excellence

Background and Implementation of EFQM model

The EFQM Excellence Model is the most popular quality tool in Europe, used by more than 30 000 organisations to improve performance. It supports you to self-assess and reflect. 84% of our members say that the EFQM Model helps to improve their organisation. (McCutcheon & Meredith, 1993: 109). The EFQM Excellence Model has been reviewed to ensure it reflects the world we operate in. It encourages organisations to move from rigid corporate structures to more agile ones that are better suited to the rigours of today's global economic environment.

“All European organisations, both in the public and private sectors, are facing new challenges. The increasing pressure to compete on a global stage with limited resources means we all have to work together to secure our future prosperity, and that of generations to come”, explains Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council. “The EFQM Excellence Model provides a framework that encourages cooperation, collaboration and innovation that we will need to ensure this goal is achieved”, he continues. (EFQM, 2005). The EFQM Excellence Model is used as a basis for (self) assessment, an exercise in which an organisation is graded against a detailed set of 9 criteria. These criteria are based on the 8 Fundamental Concepts of Excellence. Finally, the RADAR logic is used to score organisations.  The model is updated every three years to ensure it reflects the current and future environment. Read more about the 2013 version coming up. (Boynton & Zmud, 1984; cited in Kanji & Tambi, 1999). (Eskildsen et al., 2002).

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model, is a self-assessment framework for measuring the strengths and areas for improvement of an organisation across all of its activities. The term 'excellence' is used because the Excellence Model focuses on what an organisation does, or could do, to provide an excellent service or product to its customers, service users or stakeholders.

While its origins lie in the private sector, public and voluntary sector organisations can also benefit from using the Excellence Model. It is non-prescriptive and does not involve strictly following a set of rules or standards, but provides a broad and coherent set of assumptions about what is required for a good organisation and its management. Each organisation can use it in its own way to manage and develop improvement, under the control of those who use the methods rather than an external evaluator.

Another principle in the EFQM success model is the partnership. Partnership is defined as a functional relationship between two or more parties, with the intention of adding value for customers. To ensure 100 percent occupancy, Squire Group Hotel needs to improve their relationship with their clients. The Hotels will be able to serve their clients depending on their varied wants, by maintaining a cordial relationship with the customers. Customer satisfaction is a key area to pursue, if the 100 percent goal is ever going to be achieved. It would give Squire Group Hotel an edge over their competitors, who, in ...
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