Effective Administration Service

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Effective Administration Service

Effective Administration Service


The word hospitality is often used to describe the rather broad field that incorporates lodging, foodservice, leisure, conventions, travel, and attraction. It may also be used descriptively to explain the way in which one person behaves to another (Cveykus and Carter 2006, pp. 26-33). The distinction between hospitality and hospitableness is arguing that the latter refers to authentic kindness and generosity while the former refers to the creation of experiences.


Some hotel jobs are considered to be jobs of last resort possibly because some people associate them with servility and dirty work (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132). Finding the best employees to carry out these demanding jobs may therefore be a challenge and high hotel employee turnover continues to be a problem in many parts of the world. We have highlighted certain unique aspects of hotel work that make it particularly challenging (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

While hospitality organisations have received their fair share of attention in the study of service quality, we would argue that they are in the main treated in the same way as other service organisations (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132). This is surprising since many experts have come to agree that hospitality services require different management approaches than physical products (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

In the case study, The Accent Hotel Group (AHG) is a family owned business with a chain of 7 hotels. The hotel group is headed by the Daniel Rycaart, founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Accent Hotel Group, along with eight Board of Directors.

Part A: Effective Administration Service to Achieve Accent's 'Commitment to Excellence'

Daniel's idea for the hotel is the 'commitment to excellence' and to provide quality experience for all guests. Customer satisfaction is an asset in the search for loyalty. Customers now have more than ever, the choice of many hotels that look alike. The provision of customer satisfaction surveys with customers has become a necessity (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

Consumer loyalty is considered an important key to organizational success and profit. Loyalty has been defined as a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronise a preferred product or service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviour (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

Most analyses of loyalty have been from a behavioural perspective, excluding attitudinal type data and concentrating on a deterministic perspective (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132). Loyalty is much more than just repeat purchase as oftentimes repeat purchase may be the result of inertia, indifference or exit barriers (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

Main focus of Accent Hotel is on the personalized needs of the customers and not on marketing, finance, sales etc. the hotel maximizes profitability by creating customer loyalty, improving customer service and retention of customers (Waters 2008, pp. 101-132).

Using small prizes, like those found in cereal boxes and candy, is also a popular strategy for retaining customers who are already interested in the ...
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