Hospitality Management

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Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management


As society becomes more advanced, the demands of consumers are heightened. It is necessary for all businesses and corporations to establish high performance systems and tactics to remain competitive and profitable. “Times are changing rapidly than we ever imagined. Our knowledge and practice of leadership must accommodate themselves to these changes if they do not want to be left behind.” (Sarras and Santora, 2001, p. 383) The Carlton Hotel has integrated multiple systems to evaluate business projections to determine contributing factors that are beneficial toward the success and growth of the organization. The paper will overview the importance of the Human Resource Managemnt and analysis of the Carlton Hotel and suggest improvements to the existing methods and procedures of recruitment in an effort to increase organizational efficiency.

Human resources constitute the most important component of modern organizations. The accomplishment of organizational missions and objectives depends, to a large extent, on having right persons in right positions as well as the commitment and contributions of those involved. This is why human resource management has acquired a growing significance in current organization theory and practice. As a matter of fact, a sound and effective human resource management is seen as the most significant variable that determines the performance of an enterprise. Thus theorists and practitioners alike attach a considerable importance on the need for ensuring an efficient and effective use of human talents. Tyson and York are among others who look at human resource management as a system, a set of interdependent parts each providing an input to another. They show the logical relationships between various elements of human resource management and underscore the importance of integrating them with the overall framework of the organization.

Workforce Planning

Workforce management relates to the managing of all the people or the employees and to keep motivating them by offering them incentives. In addition to "people" factors, there are numerous aspects dealing with manpower, accounting and finance that must be considered.

Carlton Hotel completely integrates human resources and operations. Here the human resources and operations work together to select, orient, train and certify employees. They also ensure that the employees are highly empowered and remain deeply involved in running the business.

During these first seven days, employees are trained and sensitized on the key competencies required and the applicable ground rules to successfully perform their duties. Emphasis is put on understanding and embracing the “golden standards” and any other factors that would affect the satisfaction of the guests with the services provided to them by the hotel.

The seven days programme aims at fundamentally altering the employees' behaviour by adapting to the standard required by the company in order to achieve their business strategy as well as creating a memorable event. Carlton Hotel believes that employees have to feel responsible for customer satisfaction, participate in developing the company's vision, strategies and plans, ultimately becoming a part of the Carlton Hotel “mystique” To lengthen the training days before hotel opening. At the end of it, all the freshly hired employees are ...
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