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Disciplinary Analysis

Homelessness and its influence on Society

Government Role




Homelessness has become a very important issue that affects a lot of people in our society today. Homelessness refers to people who live on the streets with no physical shelters, to people who live in sub-standard housing, or in overcrowded or undesirable conditions. In the 1980s, the number of homeless Canadians was between 100,000 and 250,000 out of a total population of 28 million (p.1). Moreover, surveys show that the number of homeless people in Canada and United States has been progressively increasing to a level beyond comparable to two generations ago (Pohl, 2001, p.1). In1997, only in Toronto, one estimated that there were more than 168,000 people as either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless (Wasylenki, p.1). This clearly states that, with time, homelessness affects a greater proportion of the population. Also, in 1998, the mayors and councils of the ten largest cities in Canada affirmed that, "homelessness is a national disaster" (Pohl, 2001, p.4). Not only does homelessness affect more people with time, but it has been recognized as a very serious problem that should be taken care of immediately.

However, because these past few years homelessness hasn't been a main priority in the eyes of our society, it is still visible on our streets across the nation. The determinants of homelessness begin in functional and one-by-one factors such as economic instability, political barriers and psychological disorders.

Disciplinary Analysis

This issue will be investigated through a disciplinary analysis. It will aim on the economical, political and psychological causes of homelessness. In addition, certain theories and concepts will be analyzed to increase the understanding of this social issue.

The first discipline that will be integrated is economics. The related theory involving economics and homelessness is the Fitzpatrick, Kemp and Klinker's structural theory explaining the four main structural categories causing homelessness. In addition, the concept that will be explored is the influence of the change in structural variables.

The second discipline that will be looked at is political science. The relevant concepts are government policies and payment cuts.

The third discipline that will be examined is psychology. The related theory that will be used to explain this discipline is the Johnson et al's theory of homelessness. The concepts that will be pointed out are mental illness and addictions.

Homelessness and its Impact on Society

Homelessness has changed on many different aspects before it was recognized as a main problem in our society. For example, the number and the face of the homeless have quite altered. The number of homeless began to rise in the late 1980s and continued in the 1990s (Hargrave, 1999, p.2). Only in Toronto during the early 1980s, shelter systems accommodated about 1,200 people. However, in 1996, the number of shelter beds increased to 4,000 and by 1998, it reached 7,000 per night (Hulchanski, p.11). This illustrates that with time shelters become busier because of the overload of homeless to take care of.

On another note, the face of the homeless has changed ...
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