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Homeless is a category of persons who are homeless. Homelessness is one of the global problems of humanity, consisting in the absence of the possibility of housing a large number of people around the world and generated by various causes of global, regional and local importance, both subjective and objective nature. Homelessness can have the character of a chronic or situational and homelessness can be voluntary or involuntary. This essay will throw light on homelessness and the causes and problems associated with it. Homelessness


In ancient times, when people compared with modernity were little, the problem of building their own homes was not as acute as it is today. Now in the cities and towns there is no land on which the building can be erected without violating anyone's property rights. Lack of funds for the purchase or lease a shelter are one of the main causes of homelessness. Homelessness occurs mainly for financial reasons, and is a consequence of the failure to provide themselves with their own housing. It may be voluntary or involuntary, constant or temporary.


The number of homeless people in the world to assess in 2005 was about 100 million people. They often live on the streets of cities tend to carry with them all their belongings. Some of them are sleeping under bridges in cardboard boxes or tents and are heated by the fires, divorced in garbage cans. Others prefer parks and benches, but there are cases when they are sleeping on the sidewalks. They are often dressed in rags and dirty things found in household trash, sometimes several pairs worn on each other for easy carrying.

Homelessness in the United States

Depending on the country and the seriousness of this problem, some cities provide shelters for the homeless, where they can spend the day or night, but they are often not sufficient to provide housing for those in need. Some of these shelters provide only a place to sleep and some feed visitors. In many cases, these institutions are not safe for visitors because of an insufficient number of guards, which leads to some attacks on other users, so homeless people often prefer to spend the night in more secure homes, in spite of the cold. Often shelters offer a choice between a hostel and hotel rooms, but the wait in the shelter with facilities often is not free, for many homeless people, it is unacceptable, as ...
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