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The occupation of houses in the low Flores and rising rents, pushing inflation, brought to light the housing shortage in urban centers, which according to the Survey of Living Conditions of the INDEC, 2001, is 20 %, 1,800,000 people from the crisis at the end of that year until today this figure multiplied. For example, only 13,000 people live in precarious homes (eg under bridges), adding the 130,000 living in 23 villages and some 200,000 people in squats, tenement or in the streets. An estimated 12% of the population of the cities (3,000,000 people) living in emergency housing. In contrast is the progress in building luxury homes or upper middle classes going full steam ahead?

This shows first that the wages of the working class and lower middle class has fallen behind their housing needs. Thus the demand for a minimum wage equivalent to the basket, now $ 2,200, far from being a utopia is a just claim to meet the needs of these sectors. However, there is evidence that the government had no policy to build public housing, low cost and with extensive funding for employees. However, the lack of active policies by the government to allow access to thousands of Argentines to decent housing, high rents that are daily in our country, the lack of a job-saving pay for the purchase of housing, among other things, are what have led to this situation hardened box instead of abating (Hodulik, 1073-1100).


After a period of several years of strong economic growth, reducing poverty and unemployment during the past year because of the confluence on the same stage of the impact of international crisis and domestic problems, there was a sharp reduction in consumption of a variety of goods and services of first necessity that make the quality of life of people.

The government has launched three steps to, say, avoid this situation: allow banks to finance 100% of homes costing up to $ 200,000 and 90% up to $ 300,000, apply to banks that charge a fee similar to rent paid, for which allow you to increase funding years and the early repayment of VAT to companies that build housing for rent. According to estimates made by day, to access housing one bedroom cheaper neighborhoods Capital a worker should have a basic income of $ 3,700 per month, so this measure leaves out the vast majority. And as construction subsidies are long-term plans do not solve the current problem. Therefore, these plans will ultimately benefit only the middle high and high population (Hodulik, 1073-1100).

Given this situation, government, and in particular the cities with high population, evicts those in the worst situation. Contrary, have mobilized a group of cooperatives on 23/08, raising as the main claim: "Stop the evictions," which is the first point to fight the scourge of homelessness. Also have to fight for minimum wage of $ 2,200, which would allow large sections of workers have access to funds for housing. Moreover there are many sectors that are currently renting, while ...
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