Homeland Security

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Homeland Security

Homeland Security


Immediately after the attacks, America was a territory in mourning and a territory under siege; for the first time, air traffic was almost absolutely grounded for three days. The state of attentive that chased the attacks in the United States was more over mirrored overseas, with air excursion over London, for demonstration, ostracized for some days. The New York Stock exchange closed until September 17, and interior a week of its reopening, the Dow Jones Industrial Index accomplished its large-scale drop ever over such a short time period. America was competently a territory at conflict, with its managers vowing retaliation on those to accuse for the most serious hit on the continental United States in almost 200 years, and its persons needing fairness for an antagonize they could scarcely accept as factual had happened. The September 11 attacks influenced U.S. humanity at a rudimentary degree, and were analyzed by many as not only a hit on America, but as a hit on the civilized world itself.

Defending the American Homeland

Domestically, the United States response to the September 11 attacks rotated mostly around the formation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which was tasked with keeping protected America from future terrorist attacks. This was established on November 25, 2002, and became operational two months later, having begun life as the Office of Homeland Security in October 2001. The new department was going by Tom Ridge—the preceding manager of Pennsylvania and the first United States receptionist of home-land security. The large-scale government reorganization since the creation of the Department of Defense in 1949, the DHS's formation consolidated 22 distinct government bureaus and 180,000 employees under one association and was made up of four foremost directorates: Border and Transportation Security; Emergency Preparedness and Response; Science and Technology; and Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (Laqueur 2003).

The year 2002 more over glimpsed the establishment of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), which presumed accuse for the homeland defending contrary to facet of the general security effort. NORTHCOM distinguishes security from defending contrary to, explaining homeland security as including “the avoidance, preemption, and deterrence of, and defending contrary to opposing to, aggression directed at U.S territory.” By evaluation, it distinguishes homeland defending contrary to as “the protection of U.S. territory, house community, and critical infrastructure opposing to infantry attacks coming from out-of-doors the United States.” NORTHCOM's target thus elaborates after the bounds of the War on ...
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