Homeland Security

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This paper intends to discuss the significance of homeland security. Living in the society of United States of America, there are potential threats of terrorism attacks on the citizens. The rapid increases in the terrorists' activities have certainly increased the significance of homeland security. Security is one of the basic rights each citizen possesses. This paper is essentially divided into two main parts. The first part is the 'brainstorming' section. The next part of the paper is 'grouping.' The basic objective behind the activity of grouping is that it essentially creates ideas for the generation of sub topics. The categorization of relevant ideas from free writing will be conducted in the format of 'concept map.' The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the essentials of writing effectively and the topic chosen for discussion is homeland security.

Part One: Brainstorming

Homeland security is at immense risk due to the increased terrorism in every corner of the world. Today's world is facing the ongoing war on terrorism mainly after the attacks of 9/11 in the United States. Terrorism is not a new phenomenon and according to some historians its history can be traced back to the French Revolution. All the underlying wars initiated by United States of America like Iraq War and Afghan War do not seem to provide any effective results in the eradication of terrorism; thus making homeland security at stake (Fore, 2003).

The thing that is uniquely modern about terrorism is that it works for achieving certain objectives. Moreover, the aspect that is supported by states is another modern characteristic of terrorism. Moreover, the modern terrorism is considered to be the reason behind initiating wars in other countries. For instance, the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq depict the modernity of terrorism. United States based huge wars just on the ground of eliminating terrorism form the world. Further, the utilization of modern technology and the coverage provided by media to the terrorists and their acts have raised the popularity of terrorism (Mark, 2006).

Strategizing for war was a serious concern. The basic concern of the authorities of United States was the justification of war. Justifying an unprovoked attack without any strong evidence of Iraq being the dearth of threat for United States was the most difficult task to do. Moreover, other strategic concerns were related to the joining of partners within the invasion of United States and most importantly the generation of positive spin to explain the controversial choices made by the administration. The administration of United States backs up its decision with the spreading and non conventional weapons programs of Iraq. It has been observed that the decision of Iraq war was in question since 1998 (Allthefery, 2010).

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