Home Visits

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Home Visits

Home Visits

I am discussing the home visit in the context of teachers visiting their students home to build a healthy and a more informal relationship with their students.The teacher can now do something different with the child, instead of sending homework home and getting mad when it's not done.During the second visit, which takes place somewhat later in the school year, the teacher provides academic feedback to parents. The idea is to enlist each parent as a "co-teacher," who can help with goals for reinforcing lessons, whether it means reading aloud three times a week or helping with division flashcards.

The visit usually consists of the teacher making introductions and establishing a relationship with the parents with intentions to learn more about the child and to gain insights into what could possibly influencing performance at school. The purpose is also to enroll the parent into their child's education. Many educators believe that without a parent's involvement, students are much less likely to succeed academically. It has been compared to that of a three-legged stool; with principals and teachers each representing a leg, a parent represents a leg and that leg is crucial to stability and strength in a child's education.

Another visit from the teacher, usually later in the year, is to provide academic feedback to the parents. This is where “co-teaching” may take place. A teacher can request that parents reinforce certain lessons in the home, which could include reading with the child daily or using math flashcards. This process is one of building trust, respect, rapport and mutual support between teacher and parent.

According to Nancy Fong, a teacher who regularly does home visits, “Teachers today cannot close these gaps by themselves, it's just not doable. You need those partnerships to really make those gains. What's important to me ...
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