Home Health Care

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Home Health Care

Chapter- Methodology

This chapter has provided highlights on the methods and tools used to achieve the aims and objectives of this study. As the purpose of this study is to find out whether the home health care system of India has achieved its goal for improving the home healthcare services in India in comparison with the home healthcare system of United States. This study has been aimed to assist the readers in analysis of ground realities of home healthcare system of India. Thus we have opted for qualitative research method for this study in order to analyze the healthcare system of India. This study has been comprised of accumulated descriptive data that will lead to obtain credible outcomes for the study.

Research Question

Has India's home health care practice reached its goal in the improvement of healthcare in the home healthcare industry of India?

Is the home healthcare system of India is better than United States' Home health care?

Research Method

Research can be conducted by two methods quantitative and qualitative. This research will entail qualitative research method (Zikmund, et al., 2012).Qualitative research methodology is mainly concerned with the explanations of social issues. In other words its objectives are to understand that how we live and the things around us (Slife & Melling, 2012). Qualitative research methodology mainly deals with the following:

About people behavior

About people attitudes towards any social issues

Impact of surrounding events on people behavior

Differences among different social groups.

Why differences are present in culture?

Reason for using Qualitative method

Qualitative research method provides the researcher more information. In qualitative research the use of a manual is necessary because it allows the researcher to focus attention on key issues, objects of the investigation with respect to a given problem. Qualitative research is a set of investigative techniques which is widely used in the field of research. It provides an overview of the behavior and perceptions of people and allows studying views on a particular topic in greater depth. It generates ideas and hypotheses that can help understand how an issue is perceived by the target population and to define or identify the options for this question. This technique is used in many pre-test concepts. Group discussions and individual interviews in-depth qualitative techniques are most frequently used techniques (Slife & Melling, 2012). In qualitative research, the researcher has some flexibility to adapt the discussion guide or interview guide based on the responses and experiences of individual participants. The researcher can eliminate areas of questions that do not generate a lot of useful information and add those that are most promising. Qualitative research is characterized by an approach that aims to describe and analyze behavior of humans and their groups from the perspective that is to be studied. Therefore, it insists on complete knowledge or on holistic approach in which research is conducted. Qualitative research is based on a search strategy that can be defined as flexible and interactive. Qualitative methods do not generate statistics and results for the study are explored through different ...
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