Holiday Decision Making

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Holiday Decision Making

Holiday Decision Making

Answer. 1) Holiday decision making process today tends to revolve around various factors, which makes it, a very structured process and in some similar to problem solving model. Problem solving model has been in place for years now and has not been able to inculcate the changes as the time tends to pass by. Although, one of the major factors which tends to differentiate holiday decision making process and problem solving model is the spontaneity holiday decision making process tends to incorporate. Another important difference between decision making process and problem solving model is the nature of the need recognition. Need recognition is an indispensable part, in problem solving model and tends to base itself on more pragmatic approach it tends to extract its roots from the external stimuli. Whereas, in the holiday decision making process the Need recognition tends to base itself of the internal factors and tends to base itself on the memory of the individual.

It is in no way linked to the external stimuli since it tends to shy away from cognitive thinking and stands more on emotional linkage. Information Search is another key factor as far as problem solving model tends to be concerned in that process information search is more active and tends to indicate the absolute preference. Whereas, in the Holiday decision making, process the stage which tends to allow information search is more passive in nature and is an ongoing process rather than a process which tends to come to halt. Since holidays are not always planned, therefore, an individual keeps on searching for the better option and tends to select one based on other factors. In problem, solving model the choice of alternatives tends to be more on the rationality of the individual (Maureen & David 2000, p.431). Whereas, in ...
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