History Of World In 6 Glasses

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History of World in 6 Glasses

History of World in 6 Glasses


6 glasses is a book which takes an innovative approach to world history. This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives from the book in attempting to answer several questions. The book tells the story of humanity from the Stone Age to the 21st century through the lens of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola (Standage, 2009). The impact of these beverages is observed on the power and economy of several nations around the world.


Question 1

Beer has been main export since the very beginning of its manufacturing. It gathered significant importance in Egypt and Mesopotamia among various classes. Beer has been the main drink in its times when people were used to hunting and gathering. It has influenced the transition from hunting and gathering lifestyle to agriculture based societies. People were forced to convert into agriculture to prepare beer through their own resources. Beer provided a considerable amount of vitamins which was healthy for people. Thus, they decided to agriculture lifestyle for the harvesting of crops which were fermented into beer.

Question 2

Labors were given wages in terms of wine. It provided vast opportunities to men in several ways. Some of those opportunities were not available to women. Men usually socialized differently than women. They generally attend parties and gatherings which were entertained by prostitutes. Such places were not suitable for women. However, they both did socialize in respectable occasions such as marriages or funerals. It can be stated that women did not have the opportunities equivalent to men in terms of such gatherings which encouraged the use of wine and other men.

Question 3

Wine is regarded as the ritual drink in Christianity. Christ has used wine in several occasions which implies that wine is not prohibited in Christianity. However, Islam restricts usage of wine according to their beliefs. Therefore, wine has some controversies in Islam while it is fairly legitimate in Christianity. Alcohol causes the state of consciousness where person is unable to make appropriate decision if over drunk. Thus, it can prove to be injurious to health as well if overdosed or used excessively. Islam has forbidden wine due to these reasons.

Question 4

Refined beverages (e.g. wine) have been around for many years. The fundamental excuse for why was refrigeration, or absence of it. Wine, for instance, is regularly devoured at room temperature. Refining kept the juice from going terrible by means of aging. Guns have advanced from the blunderbuss to the guns of today. On the other hand, irresistible ailments couldn't be cured then with anti-microbials as there were none even as of late as the early 1900s. By all means, the old planet unquestionably formed the new planet, yet the old planet is dead and gone and the dead can't be the leaders of the new planet!

Maybe this will make it somewhat clearer. "To know where one is, one must first know where he/she originated from." The old planet lead the route in numerous ...
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