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Pastiche & Defense

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Pastiche & Defense


Despair, my current feeling,

that make me lie,

making me float in fantasy,

which never exist in reality.

Hopelessness surrounds me back

to the history of events I experienced.

My friend groupings on weekend,

having fun at roll corners,

a complete sense of openness to share.

Reality of life change as we grow,

our experience defining the flow

of enthusiasm and glow.

My harsh experiences of life

Making me separate from what I believe in,

dwell in isolated life,

creating a distinction of morale.

Knowing, my friends backed at me,

saying negative and not relying on sword,

it is in my life to

lying, someone unwilling shield,

break the life into simplified form

explaining it in few simple words,

that nobody wants to trust,

but even lies to friend.

Life should be worth more than a truth,

For myself as I could,

and if that is not able to observe,

damn man who would regale my friends

without love, and respect.

Should I believe in the real value of life;

my fault I hold my head up to,

but if a second I stop to think,

None of those two feelings

gave me more than I gave for those eyes

making me resurgence to thrive and succeed.

This seems to be my time to re-emerge

starting from the abyss

from scratch, start living,

know how to choose and never give up.

If you have been respected and get praised,

not selfishness of people

a real way of living is the way of life.

Die on the way

because a person never

could enjoy wine,

but filled vessels

of their future enemies.

I realized that without love,

there is hate and envy,

and just feel like spreading love

who does not understand that hate you.

Because happiness is ignorance,

also shares its antithesis ignorance,

filling wine glasses for that hatred,

turn them into glasses of water.

Defense Explanation

William Morris, whose poetic representation of real life scenes defined his perspectives of viewing the world. His poetic words gained popularity in late 18th century and is still remembered today in the mind of those who value the concept of love as spiritual representation (Medina, 69). He is still remembered today as one of the leading proponent of well-known verse “Love is enough” which made him float in the sea of success and attention by the people (Morris, 63).

His poetic content gained popularity in late 18th century after 1860 era. Great poets such as Robert Herrick, Andrew Marvell, and George Herbert recognized the content of poetry by William Morris (Raffa, 56). Metaphysically, theses poetic verses characteristically have used atypical verse forms that not only added the simplicity to William Morris verses as “Love is enough”. He has mixed the simplicity content with curiosity towards love, and presentation of what is considered as surprising metaphorical conceits related to love. William has used thematic expression of concepts related to love to accentuate the eccentric and unexpected chains of reasoning for the explaining of concept (Joel, 87).

Poem presented in the text above basically portrays the symbolism concept of a person to view life due to good and bad experiences. Main challenge in writing this poem was to define the relation between person's real life experiences and merging the concepts of presentation through legacy of William ...
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