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Assignment on History

History students are often required to make assignments. At times a history assignment can be a little tricky and may require extensive research, which gets quite challenging for the students. To help students in this regard, this section of Researchomatic provides its users to with the greatest quality of research material which is especially customized for writing history assignment.

The Period From The Reagan Revolution
The Period from the Reagan Revolution The Period from the Reagan Revolution Introduction Ronald Wilson was the second president of the American post-war history, who ruled for two terms. He resigned, having a high social prestige, and significantly contributed to the fact that its vice president in 1988 was elected as his successor. ...
Influences On The Constitution
Influences on the Constitution Influences on the Consititution Magna Carta Magna Carta, in English as: "great charter" - is one of King John Lackland of Runnymede in England on 15 June 1215 agreement signed with the rebellious English noble. It is considered the most important source of English constitutional law. A significant part ...
Crimean War & Media
CRIMEAN WAR & MEDIA British Media Coverage of Crimean War [Name of the institute]British Media Coverage of Crimean War Introduction Life is beautiful! Every individual on this earth has given one life to live. It should be lived with all the cheerfulness and happiness. In order to pursue true happiness individuals unite together and ...
History In Song Project
History in song project Introduction Powerful role is played by songs to connect people with past. It is one of the main tools to capture history. American folk songs of Ballad are greatly pleasant and pleasurable songs to listen to own sake. In addition they are very good way to explore history ...
William Morris Davis
WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS William Morris Davis William Morris Davis Introduction William Morris Davis is the single most influential geomorphologist to have written in the English language, and perhaps in any language. Given the enormous growth and diversity in the discipline, it is unlikely that anyone will ever again dominate it to the degree ...
Innovations In Intermodal Transportation
Innovations in Intermodal Transportation Innovations in Intermodal Transportation Introduction The means of commuting are becoming difficult for the people of the country with the increasing population and traffic in the country. A country like the United States where millions of people live, it is very difficult for people to reach their destination on ...
Discussion Posts
DISCUSSION POSTS Discussion posts Discussion Posts Q1. In what ways can Franklin D Roosevelt be considered a friend or foe to blacks? I'm not suggesting he was or was not, I'm just seeking clarity. The relationship between African Americans and Franklin D. Roosevelt presents something of a paradox. On the one hand, ...
Labor Movement And Industrialization
LABOR MOVEMENT AND INDUSTRIALIZATION Labor Movement and Industrialization Labor Movement and Industrialization Answer 1 The labor movement is a social movement. Since the Industrial Revolution created a new social order, which was marked by the emergence of the proletariat and therefore, it consolidated the bourgeoisie as the hegemonic social group, while there was ...
Reformation Of England
REFORMATION OF ENGLAND Reformation of England Reformation of England Introduction England - a country known for its reformist tendencies. Even in the XIV century the Bible was translated into English by John Wycliffe and his followers - Lollards - secretly continued to exist on the island and to his sermon. In 1525, William ...
History - West European Studies
History - West European Studies Section A The Congress of Vienna The Congress of Vienna was set up in the year 1884 to restore the situation after the French Revolution (Schroeder, 1994). The participating statesmen, led by Austrian statesman Prince Metternich, tried to produce a balance among the European powers. This step resulted ...
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