Hispanic Popuation

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Is the Self Help Investigation on the Hispanic Population?

Is The Self Help Investigation On The Hispanic Population?

Describe the Population Culturally and Demographically

The demographic composition of the Hispanic population shows a very marked growth potential (it has a wide base) while the non-Hispanic white population is characteristic of an aging population that tends, with an exceptional situation for the cohorts that have in 2000 between forty and fifty years old. Whose gradual aging distorted in the next three decades as "pyramid" of the age distribution of Americans' non-Hispanic whites, "while increase the representation of Hispanics in the U.S. racial mosaic. The population "non-Hispanic black" also shows a trend similar to that of white Hispanics and Asians while having a high growth rate is not in terms relevant absolute minority, except in certain urban areas (Haverluk, 1998).

It underlines the fact that according to information provided in the 2000 census, the Hispanic population of the United States is already the largest minority in this country. Taking over this position to the largest minority traditionally formed by the black population, with a clear tendency to extend the distance that separates him from the latter; and progressively closer to the majority group identified in the U.S. census as "white non-Hispanic."

This fact becomes even greater significance if it is finding that Spanish-speaking population residing in the United States located in states with greater political, economic and cultural development and, within them, in big cities.

Hispanic or Latino community includes a variety of groups representing different Latin American countries that have contributed greatly to the American mosaic. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Latino communities are groups that are composed of people of different nationalities, including many races. This community also includes people of different skin color, sizes, types of hair and accents. Also, their culture includes a ...
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