Hispanic & Latino Americans

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Hispanic & Latino Americans

Hispanic & Latino Americans


Culture is the visualization of knowledge, beliefs, values, behavior and norms that is collectively shared by the group of people. In the broader sense, culture indulges how people think about different things, what the people do and how the people utilize things to sustain their lives. The diversity in culture occurs as the consequence from the different nature of each culture. The values, norms, attitudes and beliefs of each culture discriminates it from all other cultures. Hispanic in United States includes any individual of Cuban, Puerto Rican, or Central American or any other Spanish culture or origin, without any discrimination of race. Latinos are those people of 'Latin-American' descents.

The term 'Hispanic' is widely used in 1970s, when the census suggested each individual to recognize themselves as Cuban, or other Hispanic. These both terms that are Hispanic and Latino are both used alternately that is interchangeably, though they do have dissimilar connotations. Origin can be percept as the national group, heritage, or country of birth before their arriving in United States. People who recognizes their birth or origin as Latino, Spanish or Hispanic may be of any cast, race etc.


Hispanic/Latino Cultural group

Hispanic Americans are the diversified group which came from different countries, including Mexico, Cuba, Central & South America and Spain. Hispanics can be of any color or race. Mexican Americans are the majority of these groups within the Hispanics. Because the history of these Mexicans is linked with the southwest portion of the U.S., they have the biggest kinship ties in this portion of the country. Unlike the situation of the African American groups and families whose predecessors were forced to enslave, Mexican Americans predecessors were occupied and under ordinate as the consequence of losing the Mexican-American War. Today Hispanics/Latinos are of about 9% of the total inhabitants and are the 2nd biggest minority in this society. It is predictable that the present number of these groups that is 1.5 million elders will increment to 13.8 million within the year of 2050 (Pineda, 2008).

Brief History

The individuals with the roots in the Latin American countries have lived in the America or United States from its very starting. However, their availability on the national level was not visible. The 1970 Census was the first time that these Hispanic group was recognized as a group or population. This term of Hispanic was selected by the U.S government to name a group or population that did not have any racial race or ethical division, but these group or people had the belongings with twenty three countries of Latin America and Spain. This group or population shared a mutual language and culture reorganization (NYSA., 2002).

The term Latino was build in the 80's as a name given by themselves, specially in the urban settings. This broadening of recognition as Hispanic or Latino was motivated by immense immigration of the individuals from Latin American during the period of 80's and 90's. however, today most of the Latino or Hispanic ...
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