High School Hazing

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Annotated Bibliography for High School Hazing in Sports

Annotated Bibliography for High School Hazing in Sports

Waldron, J & Kowalski, C. (2009).Crossing the line: rites of passage, team aspects, and ambiguity of hazing, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports, 80(2), 291-301

In this article, author main focus is on the hazing in sports, for this purpose, a study was examined to see the prevalence of hazing behaviors especially in athletics, for this purpose 10 females and 11 males were selected and they were interviewed about their hazing experiences. An overall result shows that more than 36 percent athletics reports that they are involved in hazing and their behavior shows that as a part of ignition experiences.

There are at least three basic policy factors that should be considered when developing a policy dealing with hazing. First, the definition of hazing must be very clear. For this reason, it is essential that policymakers have a thorough knowledge of the various forms of hazing. Second, as with any school district policy, procedures must be developed for communicating and implementing the policy. Third, consistency in implementation is essential if hazing is to be reduced or eliminated from inter-scholastic athletic endeavors.

Staurowsky, J. (2005). Hazing. Bershire. Encyclopedia of World Sports, 2, 724-730

In the article three, an introduction about hazing is expounded. Hazing is normally practiced in sports related activities. Another reform issue sometimes associated with interscholastic athletics deals with hazing. Hazing, in a very general sense, can be viewed as activities that could be construed as dangerous, humiliating, or embarrassing and are directed at new members of an organization perpetrated by current members of the organization. Although hazing activities associated with interscholastic extracurricular activities are certainly not a new concern, the number of litigations related to hazing has been on the increase. Increased awareness and concern ...
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