High School Dropout Rate: Among Foster Youth In Los Angeles County

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High School Dropout Rate: Among Foster Youth in Los Angeles County

High School Dropout Rate: Among Foster Youth in Los Angeles County


In every individual's opinion that most substantial and imperative domains existing in a person's life, apart from the fulfilment and the acquisition of the basic needs, the other pivotal objective in one's life revolve around the acquisition of the sound and standard knowledge and education, for the purpose of being capable of leading a respectable and rather successful life. In this world, God has endowed upon the mankind his numerous blessings, which not only enable us to recognize His supremacy, but also thanks him from the core of our hearts; however, as the world has progressed in time, the domain of blessing started to increase, as well. Now, amongst blessings, sound health and a family to be with, financial stability, respectable living and most importantly the ability to seek education in a respectable institute are also revered as God's benign blessings onto his beloved people.

Significance of Education and the Current Scenario

As discussed earlier, in the current and contemporary world, having the opportunity and the ability to seek and acquire perfect knowledge is deemed to be amongst the greatest blessings. There exists a reason why having the chance to attain the education is believed to be amongst blessings, it is mainly because, in the current competitive world there does not exist a chance for laying back and banking on the world to render the necessities to him on its own. Any person who opted to lie back, deliberately or courtesy the bent of the society, is defeated badly, and finds it extremely hard to arise from the endured fall. From there on, till the rest of his life the person has to suffer the plight of the striving and struggling life that lacks both the respectable living, as well as the financial satisfaction (Brown, Rodríguez, 2009).

Education does not only play a pivotal role in broadening the horizon of the person, and enlightening him with respect to the world and the numerous domains and facets it encompasses, but also enables him and prepares him to face the relentless competition that awaits him in his future practical life. This attained knowledge and education enables him to raise his head high in the society, and seek for a respectable and facilitative living he deserves. Moreover, education is one asset that never depreciates and varies off. This lucrative endowment stays with him through out his life, and enables him to constant redefine himself and his existence in the society and the world (Dessoff, 2011).

However, even after acknowledging the significance of education and its attainment, the society continues to witness individuals, who prefer to relinquish the acquisition of knowledge and opt for a different life. Research over time has proven that there exist numerous and differing reasons behind the adaptation of this act by the young children. The rate of the relinquishment or the drop outs from the school is believed to be ...
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