Local Monterey County Schools

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How Can The General Public, Parents, Teachers, And School District Team Together To Improve Our Local Monterey County Schools


This exploratory study analyzed the effectiveness of the provision of California Assembly Bill (AB) 490 that needed each localized learning bureau to designate a foster care learning liaison to double-check correct Monterey shire school position and help enrollment and move of Monterey shire school records. Survey answers by 94 liaisons from all through California recognised extending obstacles to the implementation of the regulation as well as localities of advancement being made to better support foster young children and youth as they proceed through Monterey shire school. Recommendations by the liaisons for advancing their effectiveness encompassed the require for more collaboration with the progeny welfare bureau, expanded time to dedicate to the place, more possibilities for networking with other liaisons, and more engagement in conclusions influencing foster youth.

Table of Contents




AB 490 responsibilities presented by other agencies8

Training obtained by AB 490 liaisons9


Barriers to teaching foster students10

Thematic responses11

Most persuading part of job as AB 490 liaison11


Research Design13

Literature Search13

Specific schemes for enrollment and attendance14

Educational surrogates15


Most demanding facets of job as AB 490 liaison17

Promising practices for assisting scholars in foster care18






There is an increasing body of study that articles how susceptible and academically at risk foster young children are and that a high percentage of this community know-how poor informative outcomes. Foster youth are more probable than other young children to have learned and behavioral problem in Monterey shire school, encompassing higher rates of disciplinary referrals, degree keeping and position in exceptional learning categories, and smaller presentation in the school room and on normalized accomplishment checks in reading and numbers. Contributing to the broad variety of Monterey shire school difficulties of this community of young children are the high grades of residential mobility and Monterey shire school moves that young children in foster care know-how. Highly wireless foster young children often overlook large portions of the Monterey shire school year, misplace learned borrowing due to proceeds made mid-semester, and have incomplete learning notes due to missing transcripts, evaluations and attendance facts and numbers.

California Assembly Bill (AB) 490, which took result on January 1, 2004, is a comprehensive set of regulations conceived to correct some of the informative difficulties that young children in foster care face, especially the influence that Monterey shire school volatility has on informative progress. It was founded on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a government regulation passed in 1987 and reauthorized by the No Child Left behind Act of 2001, which focuses on advancing informative conclusions for youth who are homeless. A key provision of McKinney-Vento is the right for the scholars to stay in their present Monterey shire school even though they are now residing out-of-doors the attendance locality of that Monterey shire school. The Act needs a Monterey shire school to directly enroll the scholar even though articles for example immigration notes and verification of residency are missing. Further, each Monterey shire school locality that obtains ...
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