Health Sector

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Health sector

Health, Safety & Security

Unit 3: Health, safety and security in the health sector

Section 1: Know how to assist in maintaining a healthy, safe and secure working environment consistent with legislation and organisational policies and procedures

1. Using the table below, outline how risks to health, safety and security can be minimised in your current organisation or service (or one that you are familiar with).


How can it be minimised?

Health (Heart disease and stroke)

Heart disease and stroke are also part of health risk at the workplace. These risks are the primary causes of disability and death and a resource of essential cost to employers. Many of these risk parameters can be prevented and controlled to larger extend. Workplace and organizational strategies for reducing these risks can save a lot money for these organizations.

To reduce the heart diseases and strokes, it is essential to offer the employees, not only the health information but also by providing health promotion program that includes the counselling for the workers and employees that can enhance their knowledge regarding these risks and thus support healthy life and prevent these diseases of heart and strokes (CDC, 2012, p. 5).

Health (stress)

It is clear that there is numerous health risk related to employees. One of it is stress factor which is a risk for health of employer. To reduce maximum risks of health and also stress, the prevention plan can be deployed in the organization, which focuses on every individual health and according to it, provide necessary health plan and preventive program. This program may include counselling and awareness to the specific type of health risk (Loeppke., 2010, pp. 276-277).

Safety (patient safety)

It is important for any organization to learn from the safety events i.e. to make sense of events. The objective of sense making is building the concept that can inform and actions can be taken to eliminate the risks that are a danger for the patient. The approach of sense making is critical in assessing the risk hazards and thus patient safety can be done at its best (Battles, 2006, pp. nd).

Safety (Error reporting)

It is a big issue in health care sectors and in the organization that reporting of incidents, near misses etc are not appropriately reported. Therefore, a culture of safety should be implemented in the healthcare sectors. Incident reporting systems in healthcare should take a nonpunitive method so that the workers or employers motivated to report near-misses and incidents so that the problems can be identified and work can be done on it (ECRI, 2009, p. 5).

Security (Information technology)

The adoption of new technologies in ever Sector is common and also in health care sector so as to progress and gain competitive benefit in market. Therefore, it also gives relations to risk of IT in the organizations. Thus, IT related risk must be managed appropriately because such failures in health care technology can be also life threatening. The minimizing of such issues can be an internal audit approach so that the potential issues can ...
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