Health Safety Nurse Care

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Health Safety Nurse Care

Health Safety Nurse Care


The aims and objectives of this assignment are to identify a nursing skill observed by myself whilst I was on my practice placement. The skill which I will be focusing on is the first phase of the nursing process in the form of the initial assessment interview. The client had been referred to the mental health services by his consultant and social worker, in order to continue his care in the community, after his discharge from a psychiatric ward. I was introduced to the client, and his permission was given for me to use my nursing skill of observation and also for me to use this assessment for the purpose of my study. The client in this assignment will be referred to as 'Davey' an elderly gentleman in his 70s. This is a pseudonym, in order to protect his real identity and for the purpose of confidentiality, this is also a requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Practice (2002).


In this assignment I am discussing an elderly gentleman Davey in his 70s, who experienced his first onset of psychosis September 2008, auditory and command hallucinations, was brought into hospital by his son, the gentleman is of ethnic origin, Indian and is Sikh. Also has Parkinsonism making him less physically able.

The ward itself is very busy and short staffed. Patient requires a lot of reassurance and encouragement from staff. Cultural issues are evident, due to his psychosis requesting to change religion and speaking to a Pasteur, this has raised an ethical dilemma on what to do, sister contacts the ward wanting to discuss this gentleman's progress and requesting specific interventions to be placed causing rise to confidentiality and privacy of the patient. Due to his culture gets embarrassed when female assistance for personal care is given to him, this is difficult to overcome when the ward is short staffed, lacking male nurses. Had to help him personally but Made room for as much respect of dignity as possible, looking away etc (Cutcliffe and Ward, 2007, pp 167-101).

Care management I have researched his background and discovered that his wife divorced him due to large strain she experienced when his Parkinsonism started, he went to India to look after dying mother and on the plain he started to behave in a bizarre nature, speaking of voices and unseen stimuli, sister stated that he was threatened at the airport by fellow members to give up his share of mothers will. Aided doctors understanding and nature of illness, psychosis possibly triggered off due to stress.

Professional and ethical practice

This assignment is also demonstrating an understanding of the relationship between two problems of a Davey and the care planned to alleviate these problems. A further purpose is to develop an understanding of implementing a holistic approach to planning care and to evaluate its effectiveness. I shall justify the selection of problems, intervention the patient received, and relevant psychosis (Cutcliffe and Ward, ...
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