Health Related Conference Report

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Health Related Conference Report

Health Related Conference Report

Guidelines for health related conference report

Name of the Conference

The name of the conference was “Shortage of Nurses in Health Care Setting.” The conference name was suggested to keep in mind the current issue that was faced by nursing faculty at the given situation (Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, 2004).

Sponsoring Organization

The sponsoring organizations were the hospitals, banks, NGO's. The sponsors of the conference had made the conference cost effective and useful for the attendees and the speakers as they served the purpose of addressing the major issue that was prevailing in the nursing faculty (Health Conference, 2005).

Date of the Conference

Conference was held on 24th Sep 2013.

Location of the Conference

The conference was conducted in New York, as it was the most feasible location.

There had been a list of programs that ascertained the problems in the filed of nursing. There were a number of sessions that were catered in the conference report as the shortage of nursing included the following;

Magnitude of shortage

Causes of Shortage of nursing in the hospitals

Impact of Shortage on quality and Cost

Strategies to overcome the shortage of nursing

Nursing Shortage and demographics

Nursing Employment

Nursing Wages

Nursing Education

Current Nursing Trends

Estimation of Overcoming the Shortage

The Objective of the conference was to address the issue of shortage of nurses among the globe as to give the people an overview regarding the need to overcome the shortage of nurse as it's a risk towards the quality and care of the patient.

The Major points that had been covered in the conference were as follows

The existing workforce had been aging and theywere on the age of retirement, however therewas a need to welcome the young talent.

The awareness in the young talent regarding the need for nursing was highlighted in the conference.

People had been known to decline in opting the nursing as a career as to motivate the young generation to opt the career of nursing in the health care setting.

The work environment in the health care setting had to be improved as to remove the dissatisfaction of the nurses

The career of serving the humanity and being the helping hand towards the patient was a good cause.

Aging population needed the care and quality work on the part of nursing faculty.

Motivate the younger generation to opt nursing as a career and being the helping hand to the patient.

Provided the ways to cope up with the hospital environment.

Learn to adapt changes from the environment and the cope up with the uncertain situations.

The conference related to the course objectives as to motivate the students to opt the career of nursing as to serve humanity and to be the helping hands towards the aging population.

The information regarding existing ratio of the nurses and the plan to overcome the shortage of nurses were discussed in the conference.

The problems that nurses have faced and the ways of overcoming the problem.

Increasing the benefits and compensation of the nurses.

Quality nurses and competency of nurses

Conducting knowledge enhancement programs and seminars in the field of nursing

The ...
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