Health Promotion Prevention

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Health Promotion Prevention

Health Promotion Prevention

Definition of Health Promotion

Health Promotion is defined as the process of encouraging people to incorporate healthy practices to govern their diet and other physical activities in their daily life. Health is surely a blessing for all of us as it is the basic thing that enables a person to go out in the world of activities with a fresh and relaxed mind. Health promotion programs target healthy as well as unhealthy people to guide them to make better choices to adopt healthy lifestyle practices.

Purpose of health promotion in nursing practice

Health promotion prevention is a contemporary way in nursing practice for addressing the present needs of the people to improve their health conditions. The nurses introduce personal skills in health promotion and strengthen the measures to promote healthy practices by including supportive techniques to ensure healthy environment for public. Nursing practice methods have continuously redirected their ways and strategies to cover all the levels of health promotion prevention.

Mahon & Sorrell (2008) said that in nursing practice, heath promotion has served the purpose of attending the internal and external needs of the patients. This has reformed the behaviors of the individual about their health and its promotion measures. Externally this has promoted the measures to improve the surrounding conditions for well being of society.

Nursing roles and responsibilities evolving in health promotion

In past few decades a great evolution has been noticed in nursing field. Development of health promotion and prevention techniques redirected the nurse' approach from focusing only on the current heath condition of the patient to take measures for promoting health conditions by introducing certain levels of care provision. This is undoubtedly a major step in the health care system. Nurses have been very helpful in implementing the levels of health promotion prevention. They have played a significant role in introducing health promotion techniques in promoting well being of people. Nurses have acquired essential knowledge about the techniques to be adopted in every health promotion level. According to Brobeck (2011), it is one of their responsibilities to boost up the morale of their patients and motivate them to adopt healthy ways to self manage their health. They should encourage their patients to improve nutrition, quit unhealthy practices like smoking and drinking alcohol etc.

In primary level of health promotion the nurses' responsibility is to provide vaccination facilities for the young children (Brobeck, 2011). They ...
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