Health Promotion

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Health Promotion

Health Promotion


This document compares the health promotion articles in order to explore and compare the three levels of healthcare promotion, which are, primary healthcare, secondary healthcare and tertiary healthcare promotion levels. In order to do so the document compares following articles:

Promoting Adolescent Health Through School-Based HIV/STD Prevention and School-Based Surveillance by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in 2013.

Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology by Anucha Apisarnthanarak ; Pilaipan Puthavathana ; Rungrueng Kitphati; Prasert Auewarakul and Linda M. Mundy published in 2008.

Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Workers: Ten-Year Experience of a Large Healthcare Organization by M. Cristina Ajenjo; Keith F. Woeltje; Hilary M. Babcock; Nancy Gemeinhart; Marilyn Jones and Victoria J. Fraser published in 2010.


Health promotion is an approach to enable set of population to exert control over the health-care determinants in order to enhance their well-being and healthiness. As an idea and predefined set of pragmatic practices, it is a vital guide in dealing with the leading health care challenges encountered by developed and developing countries, such as non-communicable and communicable infections, and health issues associated with human growth and healthiness.

“Promoting Adolescent Health through School-Based HIV/STD Prevention and School-Based Surveillance” refers to the primary healthcare promotion strategies. It is argued that, School-based sex and relationships education (SRE) spotlights both Strategy and Teenage pregnancy (TPS) interventions into factors underlying risky sexual behaviours in teenagers (DH). Furthermore, teacher training, peer education and public awareness in prevention of Sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia) through media, posts, texts and charts has to be implemented. Lately, the (DOH) commenced community consultation program regarding improvising the health and well being of the nation. Hence primary healthcare intervention becomes important in this regard. Primary health promotion is whereby a healthy community or people are protected from a particular disease or from experiencing injuries. Hereby educational level training is given to people in order to promote health and awareness is raised regarding health related issues, for example teaching use of proper seat belts to avoid accident-related injuries, raising awareness among populating about sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and etc.

The article Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology works on secondary healthcare promotion. Secondary health promotion is usually done when there is a high risk of disease prevailing in population. Hereby Influenza out-breaks is the identified high health risk to elderly population. This led to the development of certain influenza control and prevention intervention for them whose method of implementation and outcomes are included in the article. The third article Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Workers: Ten-Year Experience of a Large Healthcare Organization works on tertiary level health promotion. Tertiary health promotion focuses on helping population to counteract with the diseases by implementing public health care interventions, usually on long term. All these articles have one thing in common, they target on a single particular population for the healthcare promotion. They particularly comply to the principle of health care promotion. Health promotion is an approach intended to enable people to set a health care plan in motion ...
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