Health Promotion

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Health Promotion

Health Promotion

Health Promotion

Health is the measure of metabolic or functional efficiency of a living-being. In human-beings, it is the overall condition of an individual's body and mind, generally interpretive to be free from pain, injury or illness. In 1946, The World Health Organization (WHO) described health in its much wider perception as “a state of complete mental, physical, and social wellbeing” and not just the absence of infirmity or disease.

Health promotion is an approach to enable set of population to exert control over the health-care determinants in order to enhance their well-being and healthiness. As an idea and predefined set of pragmatic practices, it is a vital guide in dealing with the leading health care challenges encountered by developed and developing countries, such as non-communicable and communicable infections, and health issues associated with human growth and healthiness.

Health promotion is an approach intended to enable people to set a health care plan in motion that is directed towards achieving positive goals in regards with health status of the population. This means that, health-promotion is not some-thing that is performed on or to the individuals; however, it is performed by, with and for individuals either on personal or group level. The intent behind this pursuit is to enhance and reinforce the capabilities and skills of people to make health-care desired outcomes happen and the potential of communities or organizations to operate mutually to exert control over the determinants of health and attain significant difference in terms of positive and desired results.

The document will discuss three levels of health promotion approach. These includes: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary level of Health Promotion. All the three levels are intended for improving public health and are based on public health interventions. A public health care interventions carries out persistent and wide-ranging practices that are rehabilitative, curative and preventive in nature.

Primary health promotion is whereby a healthy community or people are protected from a particular disease or from experiencing injuries. Hereby educational level training is given to people in order to promote health and awareness is raised regarding health related issues, for example teaching use of proper seat belts to avoid accident-related injuries, raising awareness among populating about sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS and etc.

Secondary health promotion is usually done when there is a high risk of disease prevailing in population. For instance Aids. Hereby screening tests are carried out on regular bases with in a population. Tertiary health promotion focuses on helping population to counteract with the diseases by implementing public health care interventions. For instance, AIDS treatment programs and carrying out herd vaccinations.

Health Campaign

Public health improves the health and wellbeing of individuals and aims to prevent health problems before they arise. The achievements and improvements of community health in the twentieth century has resulted in great improvement in quantity and quality of life, increased life expectancy, reduced child and infant mortality and facilitated in major reduction of communicable diseases. The health care campaign that this document will discuss is about ...
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