Health Policies And Health Promotion

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Health Policies and Health Promotion

Health Policies and Health Promotion


Health policies is an approach to public policies across different sectors that systematically takes into account for decisions on health implications such as avoid harmful health impacts (Ham, 2009), seeks synergize and improve population health and health equity. Basic aim of this approach should be improves the accountability of public policy markers for health impacts at all different levels of policy (Naidoo & Wills, 2011). Emphasize on consequences of public policies on the health system, health determination and people well being and contribution to sustainable development. This paper aims to select two of the case studies identify and to develop/critique policy analysis and development of that example of Health Promotion policy. This paper also compares approaches of two studies with practical aspects of policy framework that will allow drawing wider knowledge of the health promotion.


Southwark Circle

This is the first case study that I choose for this paper. There are a series of design agencies all over the Europe that helps public agencies and the local communities together. One of the best examples from United Kingdom is participle, set up in year 2007 that apply a design approach to the public sector reform.

Participle is one main aim to create a system that based on the capabilities, rather than focused on needs. In order to encourage openly inclusive service, it moves away from the financial focus towards a focus on resources to create a distributed network as opposed to centralized institution. It is also focus on social network as opposed to individuals and they focus on four major principles.


First aim is to have collaboration with users, stake holders and other front line staff in order to create a partnership with organizations from private, public and third sectors.

Highly Iterative

Ideas have been tested rapidly through helps of prototyping. The prototypes are involved in early service models which developed in situ and then they are tested towards improved rapid cycles.

User Led

The design process has been enables for both end users and potential as well as exiting front line staff among other specialist in order to driving force in new services design.

End Result focus

Another key approach would be focus on end result. Through using user, design of center technique that source an untapped specialist, participles has been able to design services that people would prefer and willing to use. After idea has been test, the focus will be on rolling out those services and its implementation.

The design process that Participate used has been based on the Transformation design process which developed a RED at design control. The approach has been determined to be multidisciplinary in which participate tea involves social anthropologist, designers, policy analyst, researchers, economists and others. It has been base on the thoroughly user research such as observation of user, group work and video diaries. On other side, indirect research explore the context of policy and existing state of public ...
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